Step by step process of hosting django website to heroku
1. Create a Virtual Environment
- On macOS and Linux:
python3 -m venv env
- Windows
py -m venv env
2. Activate the Virtual Environment
- On Windows
- On macOS and Linux:
source env/bin/activate
3. Install required modules
pip install gunicorn django-heroku
4. Make Project and App
django-admin startproject <projectname>
python startapp <app name>
5. Make runtime.txt and add your versuin of python in it like this
6. Make requirements.txt
pip freeze > requirements.txt
7. Make a Procfile and add this but make sure it has capital P
web: gunicorn <project name>.wsgi:application --log-file -
8. Add some Code in start of
import django_heroku
import os
9. Add some Code in end of
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static')
10. Don't forget to add * in allowed host
11. Now all done either you can push all this to GitHub and connect your heroku to Github and deploy master branch or you can use heroku CLI
1. Login to heroku,make sure you had installed the heroku CLI
heroku login
2. Create heroku app
heroku create <app-name>
3. Push the code to heroku
git add -A
git commit -a -m "first commit"
git push heroku master
4. run migrate command
heroku run python migrate
5. For creating Superuser
heroku run python createsuperuser