
Relational Database Management System in C++ with interactive client interface

Primary LanguageC++


C++ implementation of RDBMS with interactive client interface.
Operations like Project, Select, Rename, Union, Cartesion Product and Set Difference are available.

Files Description

● data - Directory contains all files related to saved table.

  • For each table there are two files table_name_data.txt which contains all tuples of table and table_name_desc.txt which contains information about table columns or attributes first line contains table name, second line names of all column and third line contains code for table columns data type.
    ● code.cpp - Complete documented c++ code for this project.
    ● queries.txt - Contains various queries which can be performed for tables stored in data file like Customer and CustomerPhone.
    ● Readme.pdf - Contains description related to input format and how to set up this program running and install dependencies .


● Extract the zip folder in CD.
● Open shell and go inside this folder using cd command in terminal.
● Run the code.cpp using command “g++ -std=c++11 code.cpp -o code” for compiling and then “./code” for execution.
● If not able to compile then directly run compiled file by “./code” .● “Welcome to SQL..” message appears then enter any query command from queries.txt or making you own command.
● After performing all queries enter exit to move out of the program “Good bye...” message appears.


● Project
: P( [ col1, col2, col3 ], table_name );

  • col1, col2, col3 and so on..are name of columns present in table.
  • table_name name of table on which projection has to be applied.
  • In place of table_name nested queries can be given.
  • P([Name,Age,Sex],Customer);
    ● Select : S( [ cond1, cond2, cond3 ], table_name );
  • cond1, cond2, cond3 and so on..are condition to be applied on table_name.
  • C ond1 is like Age > 30 or it may be like Name = Arpit or can compare two columns like Id=Cust_Id.
    List of operators are:- >, < , >=, <=, != .
  • table_name name of table on which selection has to be applied
  • In place of table_name nested queries can be given.
  • S([Age>20,Sex=F],Customer);- S([Age<=22,Sex=F],P([Name,Age,Sex],Customer));
    ● Rename : R( new_name, [ col1, col2, col3 ], table_name );
  • col1, col2, col3 and so on..are name of new columns to replace earlier columns in table.
  • new_name is new name of table.
  • table_name name of table on which Rename has to be done.
  • In place of table_name nested queries can be given.
    ● Union : U( table_name1 , table_name2 );
  • table_name1 and table_name2 are names of two table on which union has to be performed.
  • table_name1 and table_name2 has to Union compatible.
  • In place of table_name1 and table_name2 nested queries can be given.
  • U( Customer,Customer);
  • U( S([Age<20],Customer), S([City=Delhi],Customer));
    ● Cartesian Product :
    C( table_name1 , table_name2 );- table_name1 and table_name2 are names of two table on which cartesian product has to be performed.
  • In place of table_name1 and table_name2 nested queries can be given.
  • C( Customer, R(Customer2,[ ],Customer) );
    ● Set Difference : D( table_name1 , table_name2 );
  • table_name1 and table_name2 are names of two table on which set difference operation has to be performed .
  • It perform set difference operation Table1 - Table2.
  • table_name1 and table_name2 has to Union compatible.
  • In place of table_name1 and table_name2 nested queries can be given.
  • D(S([Age>20],Customer),S([Sex=F],Customer));
    ● exit : for exit the Interface.

Error HandlingError codes and their description :-

● error_code 0 : Table not present.
● error_code 1 : Column name not present in table.
● error_code 2 : No of column does not match.
● error_code 3 : Condition specified not present in table.
● error_code 4 : Wrong condition operation.
● error_code 5 : Insert semicolon at the end of parse_query.
● error_code 6 : Syntax error in query.
● error_code 7 : Multiple columns with same name please perform
● Rename operation.
● error_code 8 : Relations are Union incompatible.