
Cleaning a Release

  1. Delete the release descriptor (

  2. Delete any backup POM files

mvn release:clean

Preparing the Release

  1. Perform some checks – there should be no uncommitted changes and the project should depend on no SNAPSHOT dependencies

  2. Change the version of the project in the pom file to a full release number (remove SNAPSHOT suffix) – in our example – 0.1

  3. Run the project test suites

  4. Commit and push the changes

  5. Create the tag out of this non-SNAPSHOT versioned code

  6. Increase the version of the project in the pom – in our example – 0.2-SNAPSHOT

  7. Commit and push the changes

Dry Run

Allows you to run all operations in release:prepare goal except for actual commits into SCM.

mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true

Performing the Release

  1. Checkout release tag from SCM

  2. Build and deploy released code

  3. Relies on the output of the Prepare step – the

mvn release:prepare

Hosted Maven2 repository in Nexus

Create maven2 hosted repository in Nexus, for us it's api-release

Upload artifact in Nexus from command line:

curl -v --user admin:admin123 --upload-file <filename> http://localhost:8081/repository/<repository-name>/<filename>

Configure the credentials for the nexus-releases server in the global settings.xml (%USER_HOME%/.m2/settings.xml):


Cleaning, Preparing and Performing the release

mvn release:clean release:prepare release:perform -DreleaseVersion=0.1 -DdevelopmentVersion=0.2-SNAPSHOT
