
RESTful Chat API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


RESTful Chat API




Currently there is a single endpoint, /messages, that can be used to create a message (with a POST request) as well as to obtain a list of messages between users (with a GET request). The endpoint returns JSON.

Messaging a user

Create a POST request to /messages with the following parameters:

	"sender": "sender_username",
	"receiver": "receiver_username",
	"text": "a text message"

The response looks like:

	"message": {
		"id": "message id",
		"sender": "sender_username",
		"receiver": "receiver_username",
		"text": "the text of the message",
        	"created": "time in UTC",
	        "updated": "time in UTC"

Viewing your conversations

Create a GET request to /messages?user1=username1&user2=username2 to view the conversation between two users. Note that the order does not matter!

The response looks like:

	"messages": [
			"id": "an id",
			"sender": "username1", 
			"receiver": "username2", 
			"text": "hi username2!",
			"created": "time in UTC",
	        	"updated": "time in UTC"
			"id": "another id",
			"sender": "username2",
			"receiver": "username1",
			"text": "hi username1!!",
			"created": "time in UTC",
	        	"updated": "time in UTC"



A json object with:

  1. id string
  2. sender username string
  3. receiver username string
  4. text the text of the message (string)
  5. created time in UTC
  6. updated time in UTC

For example,

	"id": "an id",
	"sender": "bar",
	"receiver": "foo",
	"text": "hi foo!!",
	"created": "time in UTC",
	"updated": "time in UTC"




GET /messages?user1=foo&user2=bar retrieves a list of messages between foo and bar. Note that this includes messages sent by foo to bar as well as messages sent by bar to foo and that the order does not matter.

Required Parameters

  1. user1 a string username
  2. user2 a string username


The json response has a top level attribute messages that is an array of message objects.

	"messages": [
			"id": "an id",
			"sender": "foo", 
			"receiver": "bar", 
			"text": "hi bar!",
			"created": "time in UTC",
			"updated": "time in UTC"
			"id": "another id",
			"sender": "bar",
			"receiver": "foo",
			"text": "hi foo!!",
			"created": "time in UTC",
			"updated": "time in UTC"


POST /messages?sender=foo&receiver=bar&text=something creates a message from foo to bar with the text something.

Required Parameters

  1. sender a string username
  2. receiver a string username
  3. text the text of the message (string)


The json response has a top level attribute message that is a message object.

	"message": {
		"id": "an id",
		"sender": "foo", 
		"receiver": "bar", 
		"text": "something",
		"created": "time in UTC",
		"updated": "time in UTC"