
🍴 Fork a Spotify playlist

Primary LanguageJavaScript

spotifork 🍴

Fork a Spotify playlist


$ npm install -g spotifork

Note: Node version 7.7.1+ required. $ node -v to check which version you have installed. The latest version can be downloaded here


$ spotifork <playlist URI>

The program will then prompt you for your Spotify username and bearer token.

You can get the playlist URI by going to share on whichever Spotify platform you're on.

You can get the bearer token here: https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/console/post-playlists/
Click GET OAUTH TOKEN and make sure to check playlist-modify-public

Optional Parameters

-n to specify the new forked playlist name

$ spotifork --help

      $ singlespotify "<playlist URI>"
      ? Enter your Spotify username <username>
      ? Enter your Spotify bearer token <bearer>

      --name [-n] "playlist name"

      $ spotifork spotify:user:kabirvirji:playlist:57wpYVzySANpWQpiBetoMi -n "My awesome playlist!"
      ? Enter your Spotify username kabirvirji
      ? Enter your Spotify bearer token ************************************************************

    For more information visit https://github.com/kabirvirji/spotifork