(#1) SignInActivity: ->Enter email address: gitesh@test.com ->Enter password: shastri

(#2) PlaceOrderActivity #Wait till areas, pharmacies and medicines list is loading... #Select Area (pharmacy list will be populated according to area selected) ->"Frazer Town" selected area ->"Frazer medicals" selected pharmacy #Select medicines: "HHCAL TROL" qty-3 cost-297 "HHLINCTUS LS SUP" qty-2 cost-198 "Dermadew aloe" qty-5 cost-495 ->Click on the "Shop medicine icon" in app bar

(#3) ConfirmOrderActivity #List of all the selected medicines displayed alongwith cost ->Click on the "CONFIRM ORDER" button #Waiting for the order to be placed......

(#4) OrderConfirmedActivity #Display selected Pharmacy "Frazer medicals" #Display order Id #Display delivery date #Display total cost