
creating heatmaps, scatter plots, and clustering of the points with the help of various libraries of python.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Project Title: Analysis Of IPL Data Set Group Members: 1.Saurav Trivedi Roll no.73 2.Shivam Purohit Roll no.74 3.Arpit Khare Roll no.89 Status of Project : Completed Description: In the given data set i.e. IPL_DATA_SET we have used the file named deliveries.csv for ploting various types of graphs. the deliveries.csv :It contains (matchid, inning, batting_team, bowling_team, over, ball, batsman, non_striker, bowler, is_super_over, wide_runs, bye_runs, leg_bye_runs, noball_runs, penalty_runs, batsman_runs, extra_runs, total_runs, player_dissmisal, dismissal_kind, filder ) • We have studied the above file and using the file deliveries.csv created a matchoverruns.csv file which has the data about the runs scored in each over innings wise for a total of 8 innings along the course of 4 matches .

• Now using this file we have plotted a heatmap (by using Seaborn library of Python).

• we have ploted the Scatter plot of 8 innings using deliveries.csv file.

• We have also ploted the clusters of the 8 innings with the help of K-Means clustering algorithm using runsovers.csv file.

PROJECT DATA: https://github.com/arpitkhare144/ipldataset VIDEO: