
To run locally

  1. cd into the repository root folder.
  2. Run virtualenv
  3. Type 'sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt'
  4. Type 'python3 manage.py runserver'

Url structures

Authentication is done using the django-rest-auth library. Following are the end-points:

  1. Login - /api/login/
  2. Logout - /api/logout/
  3. Password Change - /api/password/change/
  4. User details - /api/user/
  5. Register new user - /api/registration/

For api key and value pairs, refer this - http://django-rest-auth.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

For user credentials, following are the end-points:

  1. api/regular_user/

This end-point contains get, post and put methods for respectively accessing, creating and updating.

Other end-point:

  1. api/events/ for viewing the list of events with details
  2. api/regular_user_payment_amount/ for updating the total subscibed amount of the user(default = 0)
  3. api/regular_user_payment_id/ for the user to input his/her payment id
  4. api/regular_user_event/ to add a particular event under the user's subscription

For social authentication, the login access token has to be provided(PUSH) to the following end-point:


which would return a local access token that needs to be provided in header for every request.