
NetJoy is a program that captures basic data (timestamp, length, type, IPs, ports) about each packet traversing an ethernet interface, and stores this information in a postgres database. The data can then be used to display a variety of network traffic statistics.

Current state

Early POC code has been largely cleaned up and the STL has been used to create a more readable program. The major pieces are in place: opening the NIC and retreiving packet info, timing packet capture so it plays nicely with the GUI, communicating with Postgres.


wxWidgets is being used to make development easier (and more fun!). Versions meant for service-based data collection will not include wxWidgets. Care has been taken to keep packet capture and storage separate from the wxWidgets GUI for maximum code reusability.


Eventually NetJoy will consist of a command line collector service that feeds packet information into a database, and a web-based display that reads from that database.