
Axia is a multi-utility bot that contains many useful commands and management systems! This bot is well known for its use of customizable suggestion command. Also, it's online 24/7 (other than small downtime). Furthermore, has 20+ useful commands for you and your server and it's being updated every week!

Getting started

Start by running the setup command, the command will lead you to setup your suggest channel, report channel and mute role. For more help run the help command or join our support server.

List of commands

Most of the commands are listed here

  • Default bot permission are SEND_MESSAGES and VIEW_CHANNEL
  • Args labeled with ^ are optional
  • Use the command 'deletedata' if you want to delete your data from my database
Command Information Args Aliases Bot Permissions
8ball Answers the question, you provide <question> none SEND_MESSAGES
image Displays a image must be in a nsfw channel <search> none SEND_MESSAGES
embed Embeds any message that you send <message> say SEND_MESSAGES
weather Tells you the weather of a location <location> (city) non SEND_MESSAGES
calculate Calculates your math question <equation> cal SEND_MESSAGES
meme Sends a random meme from a subreddit none none SEND_MESSAGES
slowmode Slowmode for a a certain time <secs> none MANAGE_CHANNELS
kick Removes a member from the server <member mention> none KICK_MEMBERS
ban Bans a member from the server <member mention> none BAN_MEMBERS
unban Unbans a member from the server <member id> none BAN_MEMBERS
warn Warns a member from the server <member mention> none SEND_MESSAGES
warns Checks the warns for a user <member mention> none SEND_MESSAGES
mute Mutes a member from the server <member mention> shutup MANAGE_ROLES
unmute Unmutes a member from the server <member mention> unshutup MANAGE_ROLES
invite Command currently being worked on none none SEND_MESSAGES
ping Displays the ping or api lag I am getting none none SEND_MESSAGES
whois Shows relevant information for the member <member mention> userinfo SEND_MESSAGES
serverinfo Shows relevant information for the server none none SEND_MESSAGES
botinfo Shows information about the bot none none SEND_MESSAGES
suggest A simple suggest command <channel (1 time only)> <suggestion> none SEND_MESSAGES
trivia Shows a trivia question for you to answer none triv SEND_MESSAGES
rps Play a game of rock paper scissors ^<rock> ^<sissors> ^<paper> none SEND_MESSAGES