
Data Structures and Algorithms at Southwest University, China, run in Autumn 2021

Primary LanguageNunjucksCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

Website for Data Structures and Algorithms at Southwest University, China

This is the website of the DSA course taught at SWU in Autumn 2021. The course website is built with eleventy. The 2021 version of the website can be seen at https://arranstewart.github.io/dsa-swu-website/.

The content of the website pages and lecture slides is copyright, but may be used pursuant to the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The copyright for the problem sheets and code samples is held by their respective creators, and their permission is required for distribution.

For current information on the DSA course, visit https://teaching.csse.uwa.edu.au/units/DSA-SWU/.


Requires GNU make and docker, in order to build and serve locally.


  • serve locally: make serve
  • build: make build

Pass the BUILD_ENVIRONMENT variable to make to specify whether you want the development, production or gh-pages environment.


$ make BUILD_ENVIRONMENT=gh-pages build