This repository contains sample batch scripts for building ArrayFire on Windows.
- ArrayFire
- ArrayFire Windows Dependencies. Includes pre-built:
- FreeImage 3.16 (Under FIPL v1.0)
- LAPACKE (Under BSD 3-Clause)
- FFTW 3.3.4 (Under GNU GPL v2)
- Boost 1.56 Header Files (Under Boost Software License v1.0)
- GLFW (Under zlip/png)
- Other requirements as stated in the ArrayFire repo (CUDA, OpenCL SDKs etc).
- ACML 6.1 (ifort64) is an alternate for FFTW. It can be downloaded from here. Make sure you place it in the dependencies directory. The path should be
- Visual Studio 2015 or newer
contains GLFW and FreeImage binaries for VS2015. Other versions of Visual Studio require binaries compiled with those versions.- Community edition is free for Open Source projects
- GitHub for Windows preffered. Regular command prompt will also work.
- CMake
This file contains common macros. This is probably the only file that you will need to change. The variables are explained below.
Variable (in common.bat) | Description |
WORKSPACE | Working directory |
AF_DIR | ArrayFire source code directory |
DEPS_DIR | Where the dependencies are extracted from the file. Ideally workspace/dependencies |
CPU, CUDA, OPENCL | To select which backends to use, set them to ON. To deselect, set them to OFF |
UNIFIED | To select the unified backend, set it to ON. To deselect, set it to OFF |
GRAPHICS | Enable or disable building graphics. Default is off |
TESTS | ON to build tests, OFF to not build tests |
EXAMPLES | ON to build examples, OFF to not build examples |
Variable (in common.bat) | Description |
BUILD_DIR | Build directory relative to AF_DIR |
BUILD_TYPE | Can be Release (Default), Debug, RelWithDebInfo, MinSizeRel |
MIN_BUILD_TIME | This flag removes optimization flags from Release, which gives a faster compilation time at the expense of runtime performance |
CUDA_COMPUTE_DETECT | If building on a remote machine which cannot run CUDA, set this to OFF. If OFF, atleast one CUDA_COMPUTE_* must be set to ON |
CUDA_COMPUTE_(XY) | Set these to ON for whichever computes should be added to compilation manually. |
TESTS | ON to build tests, OFF to not build tests |
EXAMPLES | ON to build examples, OFF to not build examples |
BUILD_NONFREE | To build Non-Free components such as SIFT, set this to ON. These have Non-Free licenses. |
Variable (in common.bat) | Description |
FREEIMAGE_TYPE | Static or Dynamic library to be used. Optionally, can be set to OFF to disable FreeImage |
CPU_FFT_TYPE | FFT Library. Can be FFTW (default), ACML or MKL |
CPU_BLAS_TYPE | BLAS Library. Can be LAPACKE (default) or MKL (Optionally can be used with OpenBLAS) |
FI_DIR | FreeImage directory. Default is set to be the one from the dependency directory |
FFTW_DIR | FFTW directory. Default is set to be the one from the dependency directory |
ACML_DIR | ACML directory. Download and place ACML here. |
MKL_DIR | MKL directory. Create dependency/mkl/(include/lib/dll). See notes below. |
LAPACKE_DIR | LAPACKE directory. Default is set to be the one from the dependency directory |
GLFW_DIR | GLFW directory. Default is set to be the one from the dependency directory |
BOOST_DIR | Boost directory (only includes required). Default is set to be the one from the dependency directory |
These are system executables. As long as they are installed to the default paths, they should work fine.
Variable (in common.bat) | Description |
THREADS | No. of logical processors to dedicate to parallel builds |
GIT_EXE | Git executable |
CMAKE | CMake executable |
CMAKE_GENERATOR | Visual Studio 2013 Win64 generator option |
CTEST | ctest executable |
- Builds a clean version of ArrayFire. Deletes the build directory, runs cmake, builds and installs (to AF_INSTALL_PATH) ArrayFire.
- Usage:
- .\rebuild_arrayfire.bat : Reconfigures CMAKE and builds
- .\rebuild_arrayfire.bat clean : Deletes BUILD_DIR, Reconfigures CMAKE and builds
- Builds ArrayFire. This is not a clean build.
- Builds and installs ArrayFire to the install directory set in rebuild_arrayfire.bat
- Runs one or more files from tests.
- Usage: .\run_test.bat expr CUDA=cuda_device OPENCL=cl_devlce
- All tests that match the expression expr are run on the device. Both are optional.
- Pass . or _ as expr to run all tests.
- To run all tests from one backend, pass cpu, cuda or opencl as expr
- The devices are optional. Not passing would make it device 0
- Example: .\run_test transpose CUDA=1 OPENCL=0
- This will run all tests for transpose (cpu/cuda/opencl) on CUDA device 1 and OpenCL device 0.
- Runs single test.
- Usage: .\run_single_test.bat test_backend CUDA=cuda_device OPENCL=cl_devlce
- The test name must be an exact match
- The devices are optional. Not passing would make it device 0
- Example: .\run_test transpose_cuda
- This will run the transpose_cuda test only.
- Runs files from examples.
- Usage: .\run_example.bat example_dir executable device
- executable must be name_backend.
- Device is optional (default 0)
The example below assume that C:\workspace is the working directory. That is, WORKSPACE=C:\workspace
- Clone ArrayFire into C:\workspace\arrayfire
- AF_DIR is %WORKSPACE%/arrayfire
- Extract the into C:\workspace. This should create:
- C:\workspace\dependencies\(freeimage, fftw, lapacke, boost)
- Copy the scripts from this repo into C:\workspace (optional)
- Using Git powershell (or any other command prompt) run rebuild_arrayfire.bat.
- This should build the CPU backend and install files to arrayfire/build/package.
# Using Git Shell
cd C:\workspace
git clone --recursive -b devel arrayfire
git clone scripts
cp -r scripts\*.bat .\
.\rebuild_arrayfire.bat clean ## Use clean option when running first time or when doing a clean build
If you have Intel MKL available, you can use it to build ArrayFire. To setup MKL for ArrayFire, follow the steps:
- Create directory dependencies/mkl
- Create directories include, bin, lib in mkl
- Copy
fftw3.h, mkl_blas.h, mkl_cblas.h, mkl_lapacke.h, mkl_types.h, mkl_spblas.h
into mkl/include - Copy
mkl_core_dll.lib, mkl_rt.lib
into mkl/lib - Copy
mkl_core.dll, mkl_rt.dll, mkl_intel_thread.dll
into mkl/bin
This will allow you to use the default setup in the build scripts. You may choose not to copy these, but then will have to configure common.bat to set it up correctly.
- The scripts are available unser ArrayFire's BSD 3-clause license.
- The pre-built dependencies shippied in are licensed under their own licenses.