Hello, I'm Ivo Arrey

I'm a Geoscientist and Data Enthusiast; I enjoy helping people make sense of their data for informed decision making and building data products; I do this by combining data analysis and operations research methodologies into a unified workflow as an R Shiny Developer. I'm also a co-founder of AbbaTek Group Inc., we are driven by Community Science initiatives whose manin goal is to create that perfect harmony between science and communities. I'm an instructor and open source contributor with The Carpentries R Geospatial lesson. I sometimes run my experiments using R and Fortran on high performance and high throughput computing infrastructure but ocassionally also work with Python, HTML, and CSS. I'm currently learning Java and JavaScript.

Here are some of the fun stuff I enjoy working on:

  • Earth monitoring time series data
  • Modelling and data visualization
  • Machine learning and decision science
  • Data products, maps and APIs
  • Bayesian statistics

Main projects


Vadose zone infiltration and its effects on groundwater vulnerability risk assessment in Siloam Village, Limpopo province, South Africa. Jamba-Disaster Risk Studies, (2019), Vol. 11(2) a682

Effect of hysteresis on water flow in the vadose zone under natural boundary conditions, Siloam Village case study, South Africa. Journal of Hydroinformatics, (2018), Vol. 20, No.1, pp. 88-99

Estimating groundwater recharge by infiltration in the unsaturated zone, a case study in Siloam Village, AQUA 2015: Back to the Future! 42nd International Congress of International Association of Hydrogeologists Roma, 13-18 September 2015 ABSTRACT BOOK, Vol. 39, Supplement No. 1, pp. 173-174, DOI: 10.3301/ROL.2016.63.


CCBOR r-raster-vector-geospatial


MPConnect uFTIR


2019-05-09-mun 2018-03-12-mun