This project aims to reduce Human-wildlife conflict with the help of video surveillance and artificial intelligence. The idea is to use a camera for 24h video surveillance and machine learning to detect and alert for animals that pose a threat livelihood or safety of the people in the area.
Capture app stream - captures and saves photos from a cctv camera Capture app - captures and saves photos from the camera connected to RaspberryPi Motion app - performs motion detection over a given perimeter Classify app - using neural network trained on Edge Impulse to detect objects in images from the input folder. Saves the images in which the objects of interest were found on "detected" folder Upload Edge - upload images from "detected" folder to Edge Impulse Addnotation Queue Upload Telegram - upload images from "detected" folder to Telegram group
How to install
Install Python >3.9 Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Edge Impulse CLI
How to run
python Config.json
python Config.json
python Config.json
python Config.json
python Config.json