
The NP-Traffic-Splitter plugin enables dynamic traffic routing, allowing a percentage of traffic to be directed to an alternate destination, even if it uses a different protocol. This plugin also introduces the `x-np-host` header, facilitating the routing of traffic to NullPlatform while preserving the original host.

Primary LanguageLua


The NP-Traffic-Splitter plugin enables dynamic traffic routing, allowing a percentage of traffic to be directed to an alternate destination, even if it uses a different protocol. This plugin also introduces the x-np-host header, facilitating the routing of traffic to NullPlatform while preserving the original host.

How to install it

# Copy the np-traffic-splitter folder to Kong's plugin directory
cp -r np-traffic-splitter /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/plugins/

# Update your environment variables to include np-traffic-splitter
export KONG_PLUGINS=bundled,np-traffic-splitter

How to use it

To use the NP-Traffic-Splitter plugin, define it in your Kong route configuration like this:

_format_version: "2.1"
  - name: my-service
    url: original-url
      - name: my-route
          - /test
      - name: np-traffic-splitter
          traffic_percentage_for_secondary: 30
          domain: test-url

Extra options

Customize the plugin behavior with these additional options:

  • disable_np_host: Boolean, default false. If true, the x-np-host header is not added.
  • port: Specifies the port to use, default is 443.
  • schema: Defines the protocol schema, default is https.
  • preserve_host: Boolean, default true. If false, the original host is not forwarded to the target.
  • upstream: if old versions (prev 3.6) hostnames can't be used as targets inside the plugin so a new upstream should be defined and set with the upstream key

Running the example

To run the provided example:


This script starts a Kong server on port 8000 with the NP-Traffic-Splitter plugin activated. You can edit kong.yml to experiment with the configuration.

Running tests

To execute the test suite:

# Inside the np-traffic-splitter directory

# Or run tests directly with lua
busted handler_spec.lua