
Simplify the mongoose aggregate

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Mongoose Aggregate Helper

Mongoose Aggregate Helper is a library that simplifies the process of creating complex aggregation pipelines with Mongoose, the MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment.


  • Fluent API for building MongoDB aggregation pipelines.
  • Supports joins with automatic ObjectId conversion, matches, sorts, limits, skips, groups, and project stages.
  • Type-safe queries with TypeScript support.
  • Simplifies complex aggregations with method chaining.
  • Convenient counting of documents in a pipeline with optional aliasing.


npm install mongoose-aggregate-helper
# or
yarn add mongoose-aggregate-helper


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Node.js
  • Mongoose installed in your project


Here's a quick example to get you started:

import aggregate from 'mongoose-aggregate-helper';

// Your Mongoose model
import MyModel from './models/myModel';

// Creating an aggregation pipeline
const aggregateBuilder = aggregate(MyModel)
    collection: 'relatedCollection',
    link: ['#localField', 'foreignField'], // '#' indicates conversion to ObjectId
    select: 'field1 field2',
    populate: 'joinedData', // Optional, renames the joined data
    preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false // Optional, controls the behavior of $unwind
  .match({ status: 'active' })
  .sort({ createdAt: -1 })
  .select('field3 field4'); // Optional, selects specific fields

const count = await aggregateBuilder.count('activeCount'); // Returns the count with an alias
const result = await aggregateBuilder.exec(); // Returns the aggregated documents

API Reference


  • config.collection: The name of the collection to join.
  • config.link: An array with the local and foreign field names. Prefix the local field with '#' to convert to ObjectId.
  • config.select: The fields to select from the joined collection.
  • config.populate: Optional. If true, uses the local field name. If a string, uses that string as the new field name.
  • config.preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: Optional. Controls the behavior of the $unwind stage.


  • condition: The match condition.


  • config: An object specifying the fields to sort by and their sort order.


  • count: The maximum number of documents to return.


  • count: The number of documents to skip.


  • config: The configuration for the group stage.


  • fields: The fields to include in the results. Can be a space-separated string (e.g., 'field1 field2') or an object specifying the inclusion of fields (e.g., { field1: 1, field2: 1 }). If not called, all fields are included by default.


  • as: Optional. The alias for the count field. Defaults to total.


  • Executes the aggregate pipeline and returns the result.


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Peer Dependencies

This library requires Mongoose to be installed in your project. If you haven't already installed Mongoose, you can add it with the following command:

npm install mongoose