
Embeddable component for running Kotlin's Arrow library code snippets

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

NPM version

Arrow Playground

Component that creates Kotlin-aware, including the Arrow library, editors capable of running code from HTML block elements.

This is a fork of the original Kotlin Playground work done by JetBrains team:

  • master branch keeps the same content
  • arrow branch contains the customization for Arrow (default branch for this repository and target for pull requests)
  • 1.21.1 branch contains the first customization for Arrow


Arrow Playground preview

Develop and contribute

Run server from kotlin-compiler-server:

./gradlew bootRun

From this repository:

  1. Install required dependencies yarn install.
  2. yarn start to start local development server at http://localhost:9001.


  1. Update version in package.json and create tag.
  2. yarn run build:all to create production bundles.
  3. Remove dist/examples
  4. npm publish --dry-run to check the publication
  5. npm adduser
  6. npm publish


Load it from a CDN

Generate the library through the proper npm script, then host it and insert a <script> element into your page, specifying what elements should be converted in its data-selector attribute.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/arrow-playground@1" data-selector="code"></script>

Or, if you need to separate process of loading/conversion, omit the data-selector attribute and use a second <script> element like this:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/arrow-playground@1"></script>

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {

It's necessary to set the server where the code will be sent to be compiled and run with the Arrow libraries. For that you can set the data-server attribute:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/arrow-playground@1"

The custom playground server comes from kotlin-compiler-server.

Host your own instance

Install arrow-playground as dependency via NPM.

npm install arrow-playground -S

And then just use it in your code.

// ES5
var playground = require('arrow-playground');

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  playground('code'); // attach to all <code> elements

// ES6
import playground from 'arrow-playground';

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  playground('code'); // attach to all <code> elements

Use from plugins

  1. Kotlin Playground WordPress pluginWordPress plugin which allows to embed interactive Kotlin playground to any post.
  2. Kotlin Playground Coursera plugin — Allows embedding interactive Kotlin playground for coursera lessons.
  3. Kotlin Playground Orchid plugin — Allows embedding interactive Kotlin playground in Orchid documentation sites.


Kotlin Playground supports several events or server URL overwriting passing an additional options parameter on initialisation.

For example:

function onChange(code) {
  console.log("Editor code was changed:\n" + code);

function onTestPassed() {
   console.log("Tests passed!");

const options = {
  server: 'https://my-arrow-playground-server',
  onChange: onChange,
  callback: callback(targetNode, mountNode)

playground('.selector', options)

Events description:

  • onChange(code) — Fires every time the content of the editor is changed. Debounce time: 0.5s. code — current playground code.

  • onCloseConsole — Is called after the console's closed.

  • onOpenConsole — Is called after the console's opened.

  • callback(targetNode, mountNode) — Is called after playground's united. targetNode — node with plain text before component initialization. mountNode — new node with runnable editor.

  • getInstance(instance) - Getting playground state API.

    instance.state      // playground attributes, dependencies and etc.
    instance.nodes      // playground NodeElement.
    instance.codemirror // editor specification.
    instance.execute()  // function for executing code snippet.
    instance.getCode()  // function for getting code from snippet.

Customizing editors

Use the following attributes on elements that are converted to editors to adjust their behavior.

  • args: Command line arguments.

    <code args="1 2 3">
    Your code here
  • auto-indent="true|false": Whether to use the context-sensitive indentation. Defaults to false.

  • theme="idea|darcula|default": Editor IntelliJ IDEA themes.

  • mode="kotlin|js|java|groovy|xml|c|shell|swift|obj-c": Different languages styles. Runnable snippets only with kotlin. Default to kotlin.

  • indent="4": How many spaces a block should be indented. Defaults to 4.

  • lines="true|false": Whether to show line numbers to the left of the editor. Defaults to false.

  • from="5" to="10: Create a part of code. Example from line 5 to line 10.

  • data-output-height="200": Set the iframe height in px in output. Use for target platform canvas.

  • match-brackets="true|false"": Determines whether brackets are matched whenever the cursor is moved next to a bracket. Defaults to false.

Supported keyboard shortcuts

  • Ctrl+Space — code completion
  • Ctrl+F9/Cmd+R — execute snippet
  • Ctrl+/ — comment code
  • Ctrl+Alt+L/Cmd+Alt+L — format code
  • Shift+Tab — decrease indent