
Web developer box with multiple PHP Versions

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jimmybox 2.0: web developer box with multiple PHP Versions

vagrant box for PHP Developers with IonCube Integration for professional web development. Works with Shopware and many other applications and frameworks such as Magento, Oxid 6, Wordpress, Typo3 or Laravel 5.6.

Quick Setup:

  1. Get the latest Versions of Vagrant and Virtual Box

  2. clone the latest version and run vagrant up

git clone https://github.com/JarJarBernie/jimmybox.git .
vagrant up
  1. open in your browser (default PHP Version is 7.2)

(IP can be changed in your Vagrantfile, the "public" directory is your document root)

Made for PHP professionals and E-Commerce developers

Shopware ready´

  • tested with Shopware 5.4
  • use PHP 7.2 Performance in Shopware
  • comes with APCu & IonCube Loader for PHP 5.6, PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2!
  • including Zend Guard Loader for PHP 5.6
Tip: Try NFS share instead of the synced folder. Just uncomment in your Vagrantfile

Magento ready

  • tested with Magento 2.2

Laravel ready

  • tested with Laravel 5.6

Oxid 6 ready

  • tested with Oxid 6 (PHP 7)
  • tested with Oxid PE 4.10 CE / PE (PHP 5.6)
  • tested with Oxid Enterprise 5.10 (PHP 5.6)


  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • VirtualBox Guest Additions
  • PHP 7.2 FPM
  • PHP 7.1 FPM
  • PHP 7.0 FPM
  • MySQL 5.7
  • IonCube Loader
  • APCu
  • Redis
  • Memcached
  • Vim
  • Git
  • cURL
  • GD and Imagick
  • imagick-php
  • Composer
  • Node
  • NPM
  • Mcrypt

MySQL Access

  • Hostname: localhost or
  • Username: root
  • Password: root

Switching PHP-Versions:

Jimmybox comes with preconfigured virtual hosts to use multiple PHP Versions from 5.6 to 7.2. Please just edit your local hosts file to use different PHP Versions.

Prepare your hosts file

# PHP 5.6  jimmy56.com

# PHP 7.0  jimmy70.com

# PHP 7.1  jimmy71.com

# PHP 7.2  jimmy72.com

open Jimmybox in your browser

  1. PHP 7.2: http://jimmy72.com
  2. PHP 7.1: http://jimmy71.com
  3. PHP 7.0: http://jimmy70.com
  4. PHP 5.6: http://jimmy56.com

Need the MySQL 5.7 strict SQL mode?

We have disabled the strict SQL mode for better compatibility with older apps. You can simply enable it doing this:

vagrant ssh
sudo rm /etc/mysql/conf.d/disable_strict_mode.cnf
sudo service mysql restart

Troubles with APCu?

In some cases, APCu could cause troubles. You can disable APCu using the following commands

vagrant ssh
sudo apt-get remove php-apcu
sudo service apache2 restart

Vagrant sharing with ngrok.

vagrant share has been removed with Vagrant 2.0. We use ngrok instead to share our boxes. Jimmybox is pre-configured for ngrok.

Get started with ngrok here: https://ngrok.com

You should customize the virtual hosts regarding to your needs

vagrant ssh
cd /etc/apache2/sites-available

# edit config file (f.e. 000-php7.1.conf)
sudo vim any-config-file.conf

# Change the ServerAlias or add your ngrok domain, for example
ServerAlias jimmy72.sternpunkt.ngrok.io

# after that, save the new settings and restart or reload your apache
sudo service apache2 reload

upgrading from older Jimmybox Versions

Please do not use vagrant box update if you were using older jimmybox versions! Better create a new version instead an migrate your data manually.