
Original code part of project 5 from Udacity's Front End Web Development Nanodegree. This represents my online resume that was created for project 5.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Meet Thessaloniki Neighborhood Map Project

Developed for Project 5-1 of the Udacity Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree

You can find it Here https://arrowgr.github.io/neighborhood-map-project/

The app allows you to filter the list down as you type. In return, it displays the locations on the map. This includes images and descriptions. Also connect with New York Times Api for the descriptions.

How to use just click on index.html and the page will open.

On the search you can find the place you want from the list in the map.

The app is responsive, too! It resizes using CSS Flexbox and media queries.