
[WORK IN PROGRESS] an IDE experience and a standard library for neovim Lua runtime

Primary LanguageLua

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an IDE experience and a standard library for neovim Lua runtime

mode is a work in progress.

mode is a plugin for neovim which attempts to do the following:

  • mode is a standard library for neovim

    mode provides a foundation for other plugins to be built with expressive and ergonomic Lua API.

  • mode is an integrated development environment

    mode includes an implementation of LSP client along with other IDE-like features like an integration with fuzzy finder.

  • mode is an experiment with new neovim features

Installation & Usage

Put the following lines into ~/.config/nvim/init.vim (assuming vim-plug):

Plug 'arrowresearch/mode'


The following keybindings are recommended (though you might want to make them buffer local for those buffers which you want enable mode for):

nmap <silent> t  <Cmd>ModeHover<CR>
nmap <silent> gd <Cmd>ModeDefinition<CR>
nmap <silent> gt <Cmd>ModeTypeDefinition<CR>
nmap <silent> mm <Cmd>ModeNextLocation<CR>
nmap <silent> mp <Cmd>ModePrevLocation<CR>
set omnifunc=ModeOmni

Integration with statusline

There's diagnostics_count() function which returns current counts of errors and warnings for the buffer, one can make use of it to inject the info into statusline:

function! ModeWarnings() abort
  let l:counts = luaeval("require('mode').diagnostics_count().warnings")
  return l:counts == 0 ? '' : printf('WARN:%d', l:counts)

function! ModeErrors() abort
  let l:counts = luaeval("require('mode').diagnostics_count().errors")
  return l:counts == 0 ? '' : printf('ERR:%d', l:counts)

set statusline+=\%#StatusLineError#%{ModeErrors()}
set statusline+=\%#StatusLineWarning#%{ModeWarnings()}

Thank you

mode borrows code from: