
An isolated example to show github authorization-code oauth flow in fastapi for web application flow + simple HttpBearer route dependency

Primary LanguagePython


An isolated example to show github authorization-code oauth flow in fastapi for web application flow + simple HttpBearer route dependency.

general information

create some github oauth app

  • Log into github
  • Settings > Developer Settings > Oauth Apps > New oauth App
  • Fill out the form
    • <some-name>
    • http://localhost:8000
    • <some-description>
    • http://localhost:8000/auth/login
  • Generate a ClientSecret (and don't paste it anywhere)
  • Copy ClientID & ClientSecret
  • Add your required scopes from https://docs.github.com/
  • Put it into and .env
  • Take a look at the github documentation @ https://docs.github.com/

web application flow

The device flow isn't covered here at all. This example shows a simple web application flow using fastapis onboard utilities.

  1. Request user permissions for provided scopes (/auth/request)
  • Let your user authenticate the github oauth app permission request
  • Github will forward to your CALLBACK_URL (/auth/login)
  1. Recieve code from github and use it to provide the satisfied acces_token (/auth/login)
  2. Use the recieved acces_token from step 2 to verify it using the Github API
  • Output look like: {"Id":<UserId>,"Login":"<GithubLogin>","Token":"<UserToken>","Message":"Happy hacking :D"}

securing routes with a dependency

  • Use HttpBearer, to bear the token and use it as dependency for our routes
  • These routes are only accessible for authenticated users (requests with valid access_token)
  • See the example with secure/content


Install stuff with poetry

git clone git@github.com:arrrrrmin/fastapi-github-oauth.git
cd fastapi-github-oauth
poetry install
poetry shell
uvicorn app.main:app --reload

A very minimalistic example