
Simple URL shortener implemented in many different languages/frameworks.

Primary LanguageElixir


This is a simple URL shortener implemented in many different languages/frameworks. The idea is to make something practical while I learn them, but not too evolved as to distract me from the main goal.


Subprojects must...

  • run with a single command;

  • use PostgreSQL for data storage;

  • contain tests;

Besides, each subproject structure will be as follows:

  • GET /: shows the form to create new short link;

  • POST /: creates a shortened URL and returns the generated address;

  • GET /: redirect to original URL -- OR -- show page saying URL has been removed;

  • GET /admin/url: (authenticated) list of shortened URLs;

  • PUT /admin/url/: (authenticated) change if URL is active or not;

It should be possible to POST /, GET /admin/url and PUT /admin/url/ with JSON as Content-Type and Accept.


This is a list of languages that I have already implemented something: