
This repository contains Bash scripts, practice files, notes, and documentation.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains Bash scripts, practice files, notes, and documentation.

Bash Commands and Concepts

This table summarises various Bash commands and concepts, providing a brief explanation and a simple example for each. It serves as a quick reference for understanding and using these commands effectively in your Bash scripts.

Command/Concept Explanation Example
-f Checks if the specified path is a regular file if [ -f "file.txt" ]; then ...
-d Checks if the specified path is a directory if [ -d "/folder/" ]; then ...
-r Checks if the specified file is readable if [ -r "file.txt" ]; then ...
[ ... ] Test command used for evaluating expressions if [ -f "file.txt" ]; then ...
grep -r "pattern" Searches recursively for a pattern in files grep -r "echo" ~/
ping Checks the connectivity to a server or IP ping -c 1 www.google.com
printf Formats and prints data to the terminal printf "Hello, %s\n" "World"
date Displays the current date and time date
&& Logical AND operator; executes next command if previous succeeded command1 && command2
` `
&> Redirects both stdout and stderr to a file command &> output.log