
script to install pgadmin4 for linux :)

Primary LanguageShell

script to install pgadmin4 for linux


This script mybe work for debaian, arch and redhat base distros... If it isnt work look at the Manual Installation section

Script Instalation Guide

At the first please make <pgadmin4-installer.sh> file executable like below command sudo chmod +x pgadmin4-installer.sh

Then run it using source source ./pgadmin4-installer.sh

After that run pgadmin4 as a command in terminal then open any browser on localhost and 5050 port => localhost:5050 (

Manual Instalation Guide

  1. you need to have Python3 & pip
  2. create /var/log/pgadmin & /var/lib/pgadmin directories and change their owner ship using sudo chown $USER /var/log/pgadmin & sudo chown $USER /var/lib/pgadmin command
  3. Create ~/.pgadmin4 directory and change directory (cd) to it
  4. Run this command python3 -m venv pgadmin4 && source pgadmin4/bin/activate to create and activate virtual environment of python
  5. Now install pgadmin4 using pip install pgadmin4 command
  6. Add PATH=$PATH:~/.pgadmin4/pgadmin4/bin line to the end of your shell configuration. To see what is your shell you can enter echo $SHELL command; for example if the output is /usr/bin/bash you should append PATH=$PATH:~/.pgadmin4/pgadmin4/bin line to ~/.bashrc file or if your shell is zsh append that to ~/.zshrc
  7. Run source ~/.`sh -c 'ps -p $$ -o ppid=' | xargs ps -o comm= -p`rc command

# echo enjoy and be a nice person =)