
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Notes App


This project was made to manage user notes, actually has the present functionalities:

  • Create a note
  • Archive/Unarchive a note
  • List notes by state(archived/unarchived)
  • List all notes
  • Delete a note
  • Edit a note

Run in local

You must have nodejs(v18.15.0) and npm (9.4.0) installed, move to frontend directory and execute in command line: npm start


  • Back end
    • Nodejs: v18.15.0
    • npm: 9.4.0
    • Postgresql:15
    • Cors: ^2.8.5
    • Express: ^4.18.2
    • dotenv: ^16.3.1
    • nodemon: ^3.0.1,
    • pg: ^8.11.3,
    • pg-hstore: ^2.3.4,
    • sequelize: ^6.32.1
  • Front end
    • Vite: ^3.3.7
    • React: ^18.2.0
    • React-router-dom: ^6.15.0
    • axios: ^1.4.0
    • concurrently: ^8.2.1
    • Tailwindcss: ^3.3.3