
Html / Css / Javascript/ Egfwd Project

Primary LanguageHTML

Landing Page Project

The project is about creating a responsive page, with a responsive nav-bar you can check it there https://arsayedd.github.io/egdwd-landing-page/

List of files & folders included in the project

  • Index.html
  • js
    • app.js
  • css
    • styles.css


The starter project has some HTML and CSS styling to display a static version of the Landing Page project. You'll need to convert this project from a static project to an interactive one. This will require modifying the HTML and CSS files, but primarily the JavaScript file.

To get started, open js/app.js and start building out the app's functionality

For specific, detailed instructions, look at the project instructions in the Udacity Classroom.

I worked on this project all on my own.

Websites used to help me finish this project

  1. https://www.w3schools.com/
  2. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/
  3. https://www.javascript.com/
  4. https://stackoverflow.com/
  5. https://elzero.org/
  6. https://www.youtube.com/