:computer: An Objective-C wrapper around OS X's HID Manager API

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Archival Notice

I'm no longer maintaining this project and have archived the repo. Grab a copy now if you want it, as I may remove it at some point in the future. Feel free to use it for whatever you see fit.


An Objective-C wrapper around OS X's HID Manager API.

Currently, this is a work in progress and the code is untested. There is no license, although I'm leaning toward the WTFPL.

Feel free to download and try it. Pull requests are welcome.


HIDManager is the principal class. It is lazily initialized when needed, but you can explicitly initialize it by retrieving the shared instance with [HIDManager sharedManager].

Use [HIDManager devices] to retrieve an NSArray of HID devices found on the system. As devices are connected and disconnected, HIDManager will send HIDManagerDeviceDidConnectNotification/HIDManagerDeviceDidDisconnectNotification notifications with the HIDDevice in question as the sender.

Once you retrieve a HIDDevice, send it an open message to open the interface. Be sure to send a close message whenever you're done with it.