
Keep state in a Merkle tree with a simple interface

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Merkle tree state, with LevelUP persistence and a super simple interface.

merk uses the ES6 Proxy API to give the best possible interface, it's just an object. Behind the scenes, merk uses a Merkle AVL tree, which lets us do cool things like efficiently iterating through keys, making range proofs, etc. Since every child object is its own tree node, it's fast to update the db and recompute the hash even for very large states.


npm install merk
let merk = require('merk')

// creates or loads state
let state = await merk(levelUpDb)

// use state as you would any other object
state.foo = 'bar'
state.baz = { x: 123, y: { z: 456 } }
delete state.baz.x

// save changes and update merkle tree
await merk.commit(state)

// or rollback to last commit

// get Merkle root hash of last commit
let rootHash = merk.hash(state)

// create a JSON Merkle proof of the queried path
let proof = await merk.proof(state, 'baz.y')

// verify a proof (throws if not valid)
let value = merk.verify(rootHash, proof, 'baz.y')
// -> { z: 456 }
// also available as require('merk/verify') to make dependency smaller for light clients
