Become a Sponsor to invest in the future of React Cosmos
A tool for ambitious UI developers.
- Visual TDD. Develop one component at a time. Isolate the UI you're working on and iterate quickly. Reloading your whole app on every change is slowing you down!
- Component library. From blank states to edge cases, define component states to come back to. Your component library keeps you organized and provides a solid foundation of test cases.
- Open platform. React Cosmos can be used in powerful ways. Snapshot and visual regression tests are possible, as well as custom integrations tailored to your needs.
👩🚀 Live demo
Keep in mind this is a static export. The dev environment, which requires a local server running, has more functionality.
- Setup: Getting started · Requirements · Config · Compilation · Webpack
- Usage: Fixtures · Decorators · Mocks · UI controls · UI plugins · Static export · React Native · Server-side APIs
- FAQ: Troubleshooting · Where's my old Cosmos? · Why Cosmos? · Credits
The example package is a useful complement to this guide.
1. Install React Cosmos
# Using npm
npm i --D react-cosmos@next
# or Yarn
yarn add --dev react-cosmos@next
2. Create package.json scripts
"scripts": {
+ "cosmos": "cosmos",
+ "cosmos:export": "cosmos-export"
3. Start React Cosmos
# Using npm
npm run cosmos
# or Yarn
yarn cosmos
You may also run
npx react-cosmos@next
in your project without installing any deps.
4. Create your first fixture
Choose a simple component to get started.
// Hello.jsx
import React from 'react';
export function Hello({ greeting, name }) {
return <h1>{greeting}, {name}!</h1>;
Create a fixture file in a __fixtures__
directory. You can customize this convention later.
Fixture files contain a default export, which can be a React Component or any React Node.
// __fixtures__/hello.jsx
import React from 'react';
import { Hello } from '../Hello';
export default <Hello greeting="Aloha" name="Alexa" />;
The hello
fixture will show up in your React Cosmos UI and will render when you select it.
5. Build amazing user interfaces
You've taken the first step towards designing reusable components. You can now prototype, test and interate on components in isolation. Use this to your advantage!
Something wrong? Don't hesitate to create a GitHub issue (be helpful and include details) and to join us on Slack.
The only hard requirements are React 16.8 and Node 6 (or newer).
React Cosmos works best with webpack. It takes extra effort to make it work with other bundlers, but it's not as scary as it might seem. Don’t be afraid to ask for support.
Browserify and Parcel examples are available for Cosmos Classic. Props to whoever adapts them to React Cosmos 5!
No config is required to start. If you have custom needs or would like to convert a Cosmos Classic config, here's what you need to know.
The React Cosmos config is a JSON file, so it can only host serializable values. This design decision is meant to discourage complex configuration, make it easy to embed config options into the UI, and enable visual config management in the future.
By default, Cosmos reads cosmos.config.json
from your root directory. You can pass a --config
CLI arg for a custom config path.
Most Cosmos Classic config options are still supported in the new JSON format. Let me know if you need old config options that no longer work.
The best way to learn about the available options in the Cosmos config is to use config.schema.json.
The schema is human readable, but you can also enhance your config with autocomplete in code editors like VS Code.
"$schema": ""
// your options...
And if you use VS Code you can map the Cosmos config schema globally by extending your user settings.
"json.schemas": [
"fileMatch": ["cosmos.config.json"],
"url": ""
How you compile your code is 100% your business. React Cosmos jumps through hoops to compile your code using your existing build pipeline, but it doesn't have opinions nor does it install dependencies your setup might require.
Unless you use a framework like Create React App or Next.js, you need to install build dependencies yourself. This include stuff like Babel, TypeScript, webpack loaders, html-webpack-plugin, etc.
React Cosmos compiles your code using the build dependencies already installed in your project.
Configuring webpack is the least romantic aspect of the Cosmos setup. Luckily, you only do it once. Depending on your setup, one of the following options will work for you.
In many cases Cosmos manages to get webpack working without human intervention. Try running Cosmos as is first.
Probably the most common scenario. Most of us end up with a hairy webpack config sooner or later. Use the webpack.configPath
setting to point to an existing webpack config.
You can also point to a module inside a dependency, like in the following Create React App example.
"watchDirs": ["src"],
"webpack": {
"configPath": "react-scripts/config/webpack.config"
options are recommended for a seamless integration with Create React App.
Overriding the webpack config gives you complete control. Use the webpack.overridePath
setting to point to a module that customizes the webpack config used by Cosmos.
"webpack": {
"overridePath": "./webpack.override.js"
The override function receives a base webpack config — the default one generated by Cosmos or a custom one loaded from webpack.configPath
. Extend the input config and return the result.
// webpack.override.js
module.exports = (webpackConfig, env) => {
return { ...webpackConfig /* do your thing */ };
Fixture files contain a default export, which can be a React Component or any React Node.
must be imported in every fixture file.
The file paths of your fixture files (relative to your project root) are used to create a tree view explorer in the React Cosmos UI.
Think of Node fixtures as the return value of a function component, or the first argument to
// __fixtures__/disabled.js
export default <Button disabled>Click me</Button>;
Component fixtures are just function components with no props. They enable using Hooks inside fixtures, which is powerful for simulating state with stateless components.
// CounterButton.fixture.js
export default () => {
const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);
return <CounterButton count={count} increment={() => setCount(count + 1)} />;
A fixture file can also export multiple fixtures if the default export is an object.
// buttons.fixture.js
export default {
primary: <PrimaryButton>Click me</PrimaryButton>,
primaryDisabled: <PrimaryButton disabled>Click me</PrimaryButton>,
secondary: <SecondaryButton>Click me</SecondaryButton>,
secondaryDisabled: <SecondaryButton disabled>Click me</SecondaryButton>
The object property names will show up as fixture names in the Cosmos UI.
See this comment for the reasoning behind this solution (vs named exports).
Two options:
- End fixture file names with
- Put fixture files inside
File name conventions can be configured using the
IMPORTANT: Fixture files must be placed in the src
directory when using Create React App, in order for Cosmos to bundle in the exact same environment as Create React App's.
Wrapping components inside fixtures is easy, but can become repetitive. Decorators can be used to apply one or more component wrappers to a group of fixtures automatically.
A cosmos.decorator
file looks like this:
// cosmos.decorator.js
export default ({ children }) => <Provider store={store}>{children}</Provider>;
A decorator only applies to fixture files contained in the decorator's directory. Decorators can be composed, in the order of their position in the file system hierarchy (from outer to inner).
Migrating Cosmos Classic proxies to React Cosmos 5 is not intuitive. Sorry for that! Check out the nested decorators example and join the #proxies-upgrade
Slack channel to learn more about this and to get help with your migration.
Check out react-cosmos-redux to see what an advanced React Cosmos decorator looks like.
Coming up with dummy prop values is all that's required to create fixtures for many components. In other cases, however, components have special needs.
Some components need to be wrapped in certain contexts, like a Router provider. Other components fire fetch
requests willy-nilly. All these implicit dependencies are component inputs and understanding them goes a long way.
The react-mock project provides ways for mocking implicit component dependencies and helps you create fixtures for stubborn components.
The props panel allows you to manipulate component props visually by default. But you can also get a custom values panel with minimal work.
// CounterButton.fixture.js
import { useValue } from 'react-cosmos/fixture';
export default () => {
const [count, setCount] = useValue('count', { defaultValue: 0 });
return <CounterButton count={count} increment={() => setCount(count + 1)} />;
Heads up:
(and Cosmos in general) works great with TypeScript.
A main feature of the React Cosmos redesign is the brand-new UI plugin architecture. While the new UI is created 100% from plugins, the plugin API is not yet documented nor made accessible. It will take a few big steps to get there, but this is the future.
Custom responsive viewports
is a plugin included by default, and you can customize it through the Cosmos config.
"ui": {
"responsivePreview": {
"devices": [
{ "label": "iPhone 5", "width": 320, "height": 568 },
{ "label": "iPhone 6", "width": 375, "height": 667 },
{ "label": "iPhone 6 Plus", "width": 414, "height": 736 },
{ "label": "Medium", "width": 1024, "height": 768 },
{ "label": "Large", "width": 1440, "height": 900 },
{ "label": "1080p", "width": 1920, "height": 1080 }
Run cosmos-export
and get a nice component library that you can deploy to any static hosting service. The exported version won't have all the Cosmos features available in development (like opening the selected fixture in your code editor), but allows anybody with access to the static export URL to browse fixtures and play with component inputs.
Use http-server or any static file server to load the export locally.
npm run cosmos-native
React Cosmos works great with React Native. Put the following inside App.js
to get started.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { NativeFixtureLoader } from 'react-cosmos/native';
// You generate cosmos.userdeps.js when you start the Cosmos server
import { rendererConfig, fixtures, decorators } from './cosmos.userdeps';
export default class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
Once your fixtures are loading properly, you'll probably want to split your App entry point to load Cosmos in development and your root component in production. Something like this:
module.exports = global.__DEV__
? require('./App.cosmos')
: require('./App.main');
IMPORTANT: React Native blacklists __fixtures__
dirs by default. Unless you configure Cosmos to use a different directory pattern, you need to override getBlacklistRE
in the React Native CLI config.
Run cosmos --external-userdeps
instead of cosmos-native
and Cosmos will mirror your fixtures on both DOM and Native renderers.
Do NOT use these APIs in your fixture files, or any of your client code, as they require access to the file system and may bundle unwanted Node code in your client build.
Fetching a Cosmos config can be done in a number of ways, depending on whether or not you have a config file and, in case you do, if you prefer to specify the path manually or to rely on automatic detection.
uses the same config detection strategy as the cosmos
import { detectCosmosConfig } from 'react-cosmos';
const cosmosConfig = detectCosmosConfig();
is best when you don't want to care where you run a script from.
import { getCosmosConfigAtPath } from 'react-cosmos';
const cosmosConfig = getCosmosConfigAtPath(require.resolve('./cosmos.config'));
The minimum requirement to create a config is a root directory.
import { createCosmosConfig } from 'react-cosmos';
const cosmosConfig = createCosmosConfig(__dirname);
You can also customize your config programatically, without the need for an external config file.
import { createCosmosConfig } from 'react-cosmos';
const cosmosConfig = createCosmosConfig(__dirname, {
// Options... (TypeScript is your friend)
A list with one Playground URL for each fixture, optionally in full-screen mode. A common use case for getFixtureUrls
is to create visual snapshots for each fixture, and potentially to diff them between deploys.
import { getFixtureUrls } from 'react-cosmos';
const fixtureUrls = await getFixtureUrls({ cosmosConfig, fullScreen: true });
// localhost:5000/?fixtureId=%7B%22path%22%3A%22\_\_fixtures\_\_%2FHello%20World.ts%22%2C%22name%22%3Anull%7D&fullScreen=true
// localhost:5000/?fixtureId=%7B%22path%22%3A%22\_\_fixtures\_\_%2FProps%20Playground.tsx%22%2C%22name%22%3Anull%7D&fullScreen=true
// localhost:5000/?fixtureId=%7B%22path%22%3A%22\_\_fixtures\_\_%2FState%20Playground.tsx%22%2C%22name%22%3Anull%7D&fullScreen=true
// localhost:5000/?fixtureId=%7B%22path%22%3A%22Counter%2Findex.fixture.tsx%22%2C%22name%22%3A%22default%22%7D&fullScreen=true
// localhost:5000/?fixtureId=%7B%22path%22%3A%22Counter%2Findex.fixture.tsx%22%2C%22name%22%3A%22small%20number%22%7D&fullScreen=true
// localhost:5000/?fixtureId=%7B%22path%22%3A%22Counter%2Findex.fixture.tsx%22%2C%22name%22%3A%22large%20number%22%7D&fullScreen=true
// localhost:5000/?fixtureId=%7B%22path%22%3A%22CounterButton%2Findex.fixture.tsx%22%2C%22name%22%3Anull%7D&fullScreen=true
// localhost:5000/?fixtureId=%7B%22path%22%3A%22WelcomeMessage%2Findex.fixture.tsx%22%2C%22name%22%3Anull%7D&fullScreen=true
// ...
A list of fixture elements to render by hand. A common use case for getFixtures
is to run snapshot tests in alternative environments like jsdom.
import { getFixtures } from 'react-cosmos';
const fixtures = await getFixtures({ cosmosConfig });
fixtures.forEach(({ fixtureId, getElement }) => {
const renderer = create(getElement());
Check out the full example for more details on how to use the getFixtures
- Check for build errors in your terminal.
- Make sure you have html-webpack-plugin installed, as well as any other build dependency.
- Make sure you have html-webpack-plugin installed.
- Override your webpack config with ProvidePlugin to support JSX without importing React.
Cosmos Classic packages have been moved to a dedicated repo, which means we can continue to maintain Cosmos Classic or even run it alongside React Cosmos 5 in the same project (during the migration period).
That said, it's ideal for all Cosmos users to use the latest version. Please let me know if you need help upgrading.
Many other component-oriented tools have emerged since Cosmos was conceived. Storybook and React Styleguidist are good examples, but you can find an exhaustive list here. Choose the tool that matches your needs the most.
React Cosmos is a dev tool first, made to address all components, big and small, not just the stateless UI bits. It aims to boost productivity and push UI developers into a Pit of Success, creating robust components that survive the test of time.
You can also create a living style guide using React Cosmos, but it's a secondary goal and you might get more value from alternatives if this is your chief concern.
Hi, this is Ovidiu, the core maintainer of React Cosmos. I spend ridiculous amounts of time perfecting this project because I love building user interfaces and making useful stuff.
React Cosmos is licensed as MIT and will always be free. If you want to support me, however, become a Sponsor and ensure this journey continues!
Special thanks to @maxsalven and @xavxyz for the long conversations and recurring interest in this project, as well as @catalinmiron, @flaviusone, @NiGhTTraX, @ovidiubute, @RadValentin, @tkjone, and all the other contributors. You're a big reason why React Cosmos is still alive ❤️.
Shout-out to Kreativa Studio for offering the Cosmos illustration for free!
For feedback create a GitHub issue or join us on Slack.