
Simply AzCopy benchmark of blob storage performance from AKS pod

MIT LicenseMIT

Azure Storage - Premium Block Blob Performance

Azure CLI login

az login --use-device-code --tenant 62e9dca3-7396-48ed-a055-61c12fc24020
az account set --subscription 46ce15d0-e6f3-424b-8ccb-2b41ec07d780

Create premium block blob account

az group create --name rg-storage1 --location eastus2
az storage account create --resource-group rg-storage1 --name avstoragepremium1 --location eastus2 --sku Premium_ZRS --kind BlockBlobStorage --allow-shared-key-access false --allow-blob-public-access false
az storage container create --auth-mode login --name azcopy-benchmark --account-name avstoragepremium1

Create standard storage account

az storage account create --resource-group rg-storage1 --name avstoragestandard1 --location eastus2 --sku Standard_ZRS --kind StorageV2 --allow-shared-key-access false --allow-blob-public-access false
az storage container create --auth-mode login --name azcopy-benchmark --account-name avstoragestandard1

Connect to an existing AKS cluster in the same region as the storage accounts

az aks get-credentials --resource-group rg-aksazurecilium1 --name aksazurecilium1 --subscription 1412f248-f41c-4c92-be6c-28f2700d1037

kubectl get nodes
kubectl get pods -o wide

kubectl apply -f azcopy.yaml
# kubectl delete -f azcopy.yaml

Exec into the pod and install AzCopy

kubectl exec -it azcopy-pod -- /bin/bash

apt-get update
apt-get install curl -y

curl -sSL -O https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/22.04/packages-microsoft-prod.deb
dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
rm packages-microsoft-prod.deb
apt-get update
apt-get install azcopy

Run AzCopy benchmark against premium and standard storage accounts

azcopy login --tenant-id 62e9dca3-7396-48ed-a055-61c12fc24020
azcopy login status
azcopy bench --mode=Upload "https://avstoragepremium1.blob.core.windows.net/azcopy-benchmark" --file-count 500 --delete-test-data=false
azcopy bench --mode=Download "https://avstoragepremium1.blob.core.windows.net/azcopy-benchmark"

azcopy bench --mode=Upload "https://avstoragestandard1.blob.core.windows.net/azcopy-benchmark" --file-count 500 --delete-test-data=false
azcopy bench --mode=Download "https://avstoragestandard1.blob.core.windows.net/azcopy-benchmark"

Screenshots of results


Upload a b

Download c

Premium Metrics

1-minute granularity

egress tps latency


Upload d e

Download f

Standard Metrics

egress tps latency