
A modern git web viewer

Primary LanguagePerl

    Gitalist - A modern git web viewer

        perl script/gitalist_server.pl --repo_dir /home/me/code/git

    As Gitalist follows the usual Perl module format the usual approach for
    installation should work, e.g.:

        perl Makefile.PL
        make test
        make install


        cpan -i Gitalist

    You can also check Gitalist out from its git repository and run it, in
    this case you'll additionally need the author modules, but no
    configuration will be needed as it will default to looking for
    repositories the directory above the checkout.

    Gitalist is a web frontend for git repositories based on <gitweb.cgi>
    and backed by Catalyst.

    This project started off as an attempt to port *gitweb.cgi* to a
    Catalyst app in a piecemeal fashion. As it turns out, thanks largely to
    Florian Ragwitz's earlier effort, it was easier to use *gitweb.cgi* as a
    template for building a new Catalyst application.

    You can install Gitalist from CPAN in the usual way:

        cpan -i Gitalist

    Alternatively, you can get Gitalist using git.

    The canonical repository for the master branch is:


    Gitalist is also mirrored to GitHub at
    <https://github.com/broquaint/Gitalist>, and a number of people have
    active forks with branches and/or new features in the master branch.

    As of 0.002001 Gitalist can now be bootstrapped to run out of its own
    directory by installing its prerequisites locally with the help of
    local::lib. So instead of installing the prerequisites to the system
    path with CPAN they are installed under the Gitalist directory.

    To do this clone Gitalist from the Shadowcat repository mentioned above
    or grab a snapshot from broquaint's GitHub repository:


    With the source acquired and unpacked run the following from within the
    Gitalist directory:

        perl script/bootstrap.pl

    This will install the necessary modules for the build process which in
    turn installs the prerequisites locally.

    NB: The relevant bootstrap scripts aren't available in the CPAN dist as
    the bootstrap scripts should not be installed.

    Gitalist is configured using Catalyst::Plugin::Configloader. The
    supplied sample configuration is in Config::General format, however it
    is possible to configure Gitalist using other config file formats (such
    as YAML) if you prefer.

    Gitalist from git includes a minimal "gitalist_local.conf", which sets
    the repository directory to one directory higher than the Gitalist

    This means that if you check Gitalist out next to your other git
    checkouts, then starting the demo server needs no parameters at all:

        Gitalist [master]$ perl script/gitalist_server.pl
        You can connect to your server at http://localhost:3000

    Gitalist can be supplied with a config file by setting the
    "GITALIST_CONFIG" environment variable to point to a configuration file.

    If you install Gitalist from CPAN, a default configuration is installed
    along with gitalist, which is complete except for a repository
    directory. You can get a copy of this configuration by running:

      cp `perl -Ilib -MGitalist -e'print Gitalist->path_to("gitalist.conf")'` gitalist.conf

    You can then edit this configuration, adding a "repo_dir" path and
    customising other settings as desired.

    You can then start the Gitalist demo server by setting
    "GITALIST_CONFIG". For example:

        GITALIST_CONFIG=/usr/local/etc/gitalist.conf gitalist_server.pl

    Alternatively, if you only want to set a repository directory and are
    otherwise happy with the default configuration, then you can set the
    "GITALIST_REPO_DIR" environment variable, or pass the "--repo_dir" flag
    to any of the scripts.

        GITALIST_REPO_DIR=/home/myuser/code/git gitalist_server.pl
        gitalist_server.pl --repo_dir home/myuser/code/git

    The "GITALIST_REPO_DIR" environment variable will override the
    repository directory set in configuration, and will itself be overridden
    by he "--repo_dir" flag.

    Once you have followed the instructions above to install and configure
    Gitalist, you may want to run it in a more production facing environment
    than using the single threaded developement server.

    The recommended deployment method for Gitalist is FastCGI, although
    Gitalist can also be run under <mod_perl> or as pure Perl with

    Assuming that you have installed Gitalist's dependencies into a
    local::lib, and you are running from a git checkout, adding a trivial
    FCGI script as "script/gitalist.fcgi" (this file is specifically in
    ".gitignore" so you can have your own copy):

        exec /home/t0m/public_html/Gitalist/script/gitalist_fastcgi.pl

    This example can be seen live here:


    The Gitalist config is loaded with Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader and
    the available config options are:

    git Path to the "git" binary.

        A directory containing the directories to show.

        A list of directories containing repositories to show.

        A boolean indicating whether to always search recursively for
        repositories within "repo_dir".

        Path a file containing a list of repositories that can be shown.
        Each line in the file will represent the name of a repo to show e.g


        This is compatible with "gitweb"'s "projects.list".

        If provided every must contain a file of the same name to be
        visible. This is similar to "gitweb"'s functionality.

    log The number of commits to show in the summary, shortlog and longlog

    Running Gitalist in FastCGI mode requires a webserver with FastCGI
    support (such as apache with <mod_fcgi> or <mod_fcgid>). Below is a
    sample configuration using Apache2 with mod_fcgid in a dynamic
    configuration (as opposed to static or standalone mode). More
    information on these modes and their configuration can be found at
    "Standalone server mode" in Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI.

    In Apache's mime.conf, add "AddHandler fcgid-script .fcgi" (or
    "AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi" for mod_fcgi).

    And a quick VirtualHost configuration:

        <VirtualHost *:80>
            ServerName gitalist.yourdomain.com
            DocumentRoot /path/to/gitalist.fcgi
            <Directory "/path/to/gitalist.fcgi">
                AllowOverride all
                Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all

            # Tell Apache this is a FastCGI application
            <Files gitalist.fcgi>
                #change the below to fastcgi-script if using mod_fcgi
                SetHandler fcgid-script

    Now to access your Gitalist instance, you'll go to
    "gitalist.yourdomain.com/gitalist.fcgi/" (do not forget that trailing
    "/"). If you'd like a different URL, of course, you'll likely want to
    use <mod_rewrite> or equivalent.

    If you find the need to do some troubleshooting, you can call
    "http://url_to_gitalist.fcgi?dump_info=1" and/or add export
    "GITALIST_DEBUG=1" to the top of your gitalist.fcgi file (just below the
    shebang line).

    Also, note that Apache will refuse %2F in Gitalist URLs unless
    configured otherwise. Make sure "AllowEncodedSlashes On" is in your
    httpd.conf file in order for this to run smoothly.

    Patches are welcome, please feel free to fork on github and send pull
    requests, send patches from git format-patch to the bug tracker, or host
    your own copy of gitalist somewhere and ask us to pull from it.

    Gitalist has an active irc community in "#gitalist" on irc.perl.org,
    please feel free to stop by and ask questions, report bugs or
    installation issues or generally for a chat about where we plan to go
    with the project.




      Catalyst application:
        © 2009 Venda Ltd and Dan Brook <broq@cpan.org>
        © 2009, Tom Doran <bobtfish@bobtfish.net>
        © 2009, Zac Stevens <zts@cryptocracy.com>

      Original gitweb.cgi from which this was derived:
        © 2005-2006, Kay Sievers <kay.sievers@vrfy.org>
        © 2005, Christian Gierke

      Model based on http://github.com/rafl/gitweb
        © 2008, Florian Ragwitz

    Licensed under GNU GPL v2