
Primary LanguageJavaScript

image# Olx


A clone of Olx website where you can post your own advertisement of your product that you want to sell and also it alows you to see others submissions too and if you want to buy that product , olx provides different options so that you may contact the seller and confirm your transaction.


  • You may add as many pics you want.
  • Budget filter exists.
  • Search is allowed.
  • Map is Provided if you find it hard to find the place.

Technologies and Libraries Used

  • Node.Js
  • Javascript
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • MongoDB
  • Git
  • Heroku
  • Cloudinary API
  • MapBox API

How to get started ?

  • Visit my Olx website image

  • Here you can find couple of options , first you have to register - choose your password and Username and type in your email-Id. You may register by clicking on the Get Started Button or By clicking the button register on the Navbar , If you Just want to log in You may click either on Login Button instead.



  • Register Using a Username and email of your choice and enter you 10 digit phone number ( in case your email or phone number is not in valid format it will return a message saying the format is invalid )
  • On the All Products page you can see all the ads that are uploaded by the user.


  • If you cant find your product you can search from the search bar , just enter the name of your product that you are looking for and choose your budget range and hit search button.


  • In case you want to buy a product and want to know the details click on that product and then you will be redirected to that particular product page here you can view the description , images ,price and seller details.


  • In case you want to know more about the product or you want to buy the product , on the right side banner you can find the Seller description ,Click on "Talk to the Seller" , you will be provided with the contact details of the seller , you can send a email just clicking on the email button or you may call the seller with the phone number that is provided.


  • A small map is also provided to help you out to get the directions on the right bottom.


  • If you want to advertise of your product just click on the "Sell new button" on the Navbar. image

  • Add your name of your product and location where the buyer may bet it from ,it can be your hostel or anywhere. Add a price and fill out the description box. Add images (multiple images are allowed) and hit add new product button.

  • In case you want to delete the advertisement or edit some information you may click on the delete / edit button respectively.


  • Make your changes and hit update product.

  • Note : You can only edit or delete your advertisement not others.

  • Finally if you want to log out , you can do so by clicking on the logout button on top.

🔗 Links
