
Primary LanguageJavaScript



About A fully functional Project , where you can register with your email Id and login to YelpCamp and add your favourite places with your reviews on it You can also add images and location on YelpCamp, others can also views your Favourite places. Key Languages that are used here are Javascript, CSS, HTML.

Technologies and Libraries Used

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • MongoDB
  • Node.Js
  • Javascript
  • Git
  • Heroku
  • Cloudinary API
  • MapBox API

How to get started with YelpCamp

  • You can visit my website.here image

  • Here you can find couple of options , first you have to register - choose your password and Username and type in your email-Id.


  • After registering you are good to go , you can add your own campground and view others also and make your reviews.
  • To view all Campgrounds just click on View Campground (On Home Page) or on the Campgrounds (in navbar).
  • Here is a quick preview of what you are about to see.


  • On Top of the All Campgrounds map you can see a map , showing all the campground entries in the YelpCamp website in a form of clusters, if you zoom into them they become unclustered (there is only one campground there you can add more and explore other campgrounds) and you can go to that particular campground page just by clicking the unclustered point on map.

  • For Zoom in and out you need to scroll at that point with the help of mouse.

  • Another way of viewing campground is to select from all campgrounds list and click on view campground button.

  • After clicking you are now in the campround page where you can read about that Campground Place and go through all the images. If you want to know that exact campground location you can also view it on the map that is given beside.


  • You can see others reviews on that place and make your reviews too. You may also edit your review but remember you can edit or delete only your reviews not others.
  • If you want to add your campground to the website you can do so by clicking on "New Campgroun" (on the navbar). It will redirect you to the page New Campground.


  • Fill all the details and add as many pics you want and hit Add Campground (Note : You will be able to add campground only if you are logged in , otherwise you will be asked to log in first.)
  • You may also want to edit or delete your campground for some reasons you can do so just by clicking buttons below your campground. If you push edit button it will redirect you to edit page where you can make your edits. After editting just hit Update Campground button.



  • Interactive maps
  • Fullscreen mode
  • Responsive website
  • You aloso see some flash messages which give you a respone on your particular activity.

