
Run several npm scripts in parallel or in sequence forwarding the options in a yarn-friendly manner

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Run several npm scripts in parallel or in sequence forwarding the options in a yarn-friendly manner, using the yall CLI tool.

Fork Info

The following functionality has been added by @arshaw:


$ yarn add @arshaw/yall --dev


$ yall [options] [tasks] [forward-options]

[tasks] - npm script names and matching patterns

  -s, --serial, --sequential, --sequence  // run tasks in sequence
  -p, --parallel                          // run tasks in parallel
  -w, --workspaces                        // run tasks in all child workspaces
  -q, --quiet                             // don't print verbose workspace information
  -v, --version                           // print version
  -h, --help                              // print help

Run tasks in sequence (default):

$ yall clean lint test build
$ yall -s clean lint test build
$ yall --serial clean lint test build
$ yall --sequential clean lint test build

Run tasks in parallel:

$ yall -p clean lint test build
$ yall --parallel clean lint test build

Run tasks in all child workspaces:

$ yall -w clean lint test build
$ yall --workspaces clean lint test build

Combine multiple options:

$ yall -pwq clean lint test build
$ yall --parallel --workspaces --quiet clean lint test build

Run tasks using matching patterns:

$ yall lint:*    // run lint:js, lint:css, lint:js:bin, lint:js:lib
$ yall lint:*:*  // run lint:js:bin, lin:js:lib

Forward options to each task:

$ yall -p start:mockBackend start:devServer --watch
$ yall -p start:* --watch
$ yall --parallel lint:* --fix

Run the yall-based npm script forwarding the option in a yarn-friendly manner:

// package.json
"scripts": {
  "lint:js": "eslint ./src",
  "lint:css": "stylelint ./src",
  "lint": "yall --parallel lint:*"

// console
$ yarn lint --fix

Note that we are using no extra -- sequence here to forward the --fix option to each of the matching scripts. As a result we will see no annoying yarn warning you could get used to when using other tools:

warning From Yarn 1.0 onwards, scripts don't require "--" for options to be forwarded. In a future version, any explicit "--" will be forwarded as-is to the scripts.

You're also safe to use script names that collide with yarn CLI commands:

// package.json
"scripts": {
  "audit": "yarn-audit-ci",
  "check": "eslint ./src",
  "test": "jest ./src",
  "all": "yall audit check test"

// console
$ yarn all