
Lex-analyzer based on Python 2.7 (course_work)

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Lex-analyzer based on Python 2.7


Clone this repository to your local folder. Remember, you need Python 2.7 for launching this package.

git clone https://github.com/shev2dev/lex-me.git



For creation of your own lexical analyzer just create a file with your lexeme definings. Save this as file:

IF        [iI][fF]\b
FI        [fF][iI]\b
THEN      [tT][hH][eE][nN]\b
ELSE      [eE][lL][sS][eE]\b
STRING    \"(?:[^"\\]|\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}))*\"
NUMBER    -?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?
ID        [\w_]+
EQUAL     \=
MULT      \*
MINUS     \-
LPAR      \(
RPAR      \)
WHITE     \s

Take this piece of code as code example file:

if num = 0 then 1 else num * factorial(num - 1) fi


After them, write in terminal:

python lex-me path/to/lex_file path/to/code_file

By default, it prints result in terminal, but if you add key "-s" the result of work will be saved in output.txt (with folder package):

python lex-me -s path/to/lex_file path/to/code_file


As result you will get lines of tokens like this : <TOKEN_NAME, TEXT, POSITION_START, POSITION_END>

Result of example launching:

<IF, if, 0, 1>
<WHITE,  , 2, 2>
<ID, num, 3, 5>
<WHITE,  , 6, 6>
<EQUAL, =, 7, 7>
<WHITE,  , 8, 8>
<NUMBER, 0, 9, 9>
<WHITE,  , 10, 10>
<THEN, then, 11, 14>
<WHITE,  , 15, 15>
<NUMBER, 1, 16, 16>
<WHITE,  , 17, 17>
<ELSE, else, 18, 21>
<WHITE,  , 22, 22>
<ID, num, 23, 25>
<WHITE,  , 26, 26>
<MULT, *, 27, 27>
<WHITE,  , 28, 28>
<ID, factorial, 29, 37>
<LPAR, (, 38, 38>
<ID, num, 39, 41>
<WHITE,  , 42, 42>
<MINUS, -, 43, 43>
<WHITE,  , 44, 44>
<NUMBER, 1, 45, 45>
<RPAR, ), 46, 46>
<WHITE,  , 47, 47>
<FI, fi, 48, 49>
<WHITE, \n, 50, 50>


  • Python 2.7