
Inspired by the setup featured on DreamOfCode, this guide outlines the installation steps for Golang development with NeoVim.

Primary LanguageLua

NeoVim Configuration

Inspired by the setup featured on DreamOfCode, this guide outlines the installation steps for Golang development with NeoVim.

Key Steps for Setup:

  • Begin by installing NeoVim on your system.
  • Proceed to install NvChad, but opt out of using example configurations.
  • Utilize the Go package manager to install several tools essential for Golang development:
    • Execute go install -v github.com/incu6us/goimports-reviser/v3@latest to streamline import statements.
    • Implement go install mvdan.cc/gofumpt@latest for code formatting adhering to Go standards.
    • Use go install github.com/segmentio/golines@latest for automatic line length adjustments.
    • Install the debugger with go install github.com/go-delve/delve/cmd/dlv@latest.
  • To set up CopilotChat.nvim, execute the following command: pip install python-dotenv requests pynvim==0.5.0 prompt-toolkit
  • After the installations, move your configuration files to the ~/.config/nvim/lua/custom directory.
  • Ensure Python3 is installed and update the path to its executable in ~/.config/nvim/lua/custom/init.lua.
  • Launch NeoVim, and switch your theme to catppuccin by pressing Space t h.
  • To install all necessary plugins and tools, enter :MasonInstallAll.
  • To enable CopilotChat dependencies, execute the command: :UpdateRemotePlugins.
  • Finally, to support Golang syntax, run :TSInstall go.

Cheat Sheet:

  • To specify the file type, use :set ft=java.
  • Setting breakpoints is streamlined with Space d b.
  • Open the debugging sidebar by pressing Space d u s.
  • Debug the closest Go test with Space d g t, and to debug then rerun the last Go test, use Space d g l.
  • Quickly insert error handling statements with Space g e.
  • For adding JSON struct tags, use Space g s j, and for YAML tags, Space g s y.
  • General Go commands can be accessed with :Go<command>.
  • Debugging commands follow the prefix :Dap<command>.