A systems level programming language that compiles to LLVM
- Easy interop with C
- Structs
- Generic types
- Extension Methods
- Closures - Pure stack allocated closures (i.e. can't be returned from functions and stored in structs right now) - Once we have proper destructor semantics, I'll implement heap allocated closures that get cleaned up according to their lifetime.
- Named function arguments
- Traits
- Associated trait types
- Algebraic data types (enums)
- Windows support
- Editor integration
- Syntax hilighting
- VSCode
- Intellij
- Error highlighting
- Autocompletion
- Debugger support: - Very basic support for gdb and lldb debug symbols is supported. This allows stepping through code using VS code. No local variables are shown yet.
- Syntax hilighting
- Python 3 needs to be installed.
- OpenJDK 11 or later needs to be installed (https://adoptopenjdk.net/ has Java builds for windows).
On Linux, you can usually find
builds in your package manager (apt/dnf install openjdk-11
You can install the latest version of hades using this command
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dhruvrajvanshi/hades-lang/master/install.py | python3 -
On windows, you can run this in prowershell
# make sure you've installed python 3 beforehand
(Invoke-webrequest -URI "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dhruvrajvanshi/hades-lang/master/install.py").Content | python -
This will install the latest build from the master branch in ~/.hades/versions/latest/hades (%APPDATA%\hades on windows).
Now, restarting your terminal should put hades
command on your path.
You can install specific releases by appending ---version <TAG>
to the commands, where <TAG>
can be replaced with any
tag version from the releases page. latest
tag is automatically built when something is pushed to master.
The current compiler lives under the hadesboot directory (self hosting is a long term goal).
Running the test suite is done using gradle.
./gradlew test
Building the compiler
./gradlew install
This installs the compiler executable in hadesboot/target directory. Check out examples directory makefiles to see how a typical hades binary is built.
Basic syntax hilighting is supported
- Git checkout this repo.
- Go to
File > Settings > Editor > TextMate bundles
- Add a new bundle from directory
. You should now get basic syntax hilighting for .hds files.
Plugin isn't published yet. It's in ide/vscode-hades
Figure it out.
Instructions to come in the future.
I think there's a lot of room for experimentation in the systems languages space. This language aims to sit between C and Rust, hopefully leaning towards Rust in terms of safety and towards C in terms of simplicity.
Takes inspiration from following languages:
- C++
- Rust
- Haskell
And a host of experimental and niche languages like Zig, Lobster, C3, and Odin.
Here's a short list of things which I think Hades aims to improve over its influences
- Error messages: C++, due to the nature of templates, is very hard to produce good error messages for. C++ templates bodies are checked per use site. i.e. Template bodies don't show type errors. In fact it depends on this behaviour for overload resolution (SFINAE).
Hades has constrained generics in the form of interfaces (similar to Rust/Haskell in this regard).
- Ergonomics. I think it's worth sacrifising some performance to improve ergonomics. Hades doesn't aim to provide the memory and aliasing safety guarantees that Rust provides. If we can enforce some of that with runtime checks while being more ergonomic than lifetime annotations, that would be nice.
import libc as c;
def main(): Void {
c.puts(b"Hello world");
Local variables
def main(): Void {
val x: *Byte = b"Hello world"; // the type annotation can be omitted
// A struct has a packed layout like C
struct Pair[A, B] {
val first: A;
val second: B;
def main(): Void {
if true {
val pair = Pair(1, b"text"); // Type arguments to Pair are inferred
print_pair_second(pair); // function arguments are passed as value (a copy of pair is sent to print_pair
val pair_ptr = &pair; // you can take address of local variables and pass them as pointers
pair.print_second(); // this is an extension function call
val mut_pair_ptr = &mut pair // taking a mutable pointer
puts(mut_pair_ptr.second) // calling dot on a pointer dereferences it
val second_field_ptr = &pair.second // we can get a field offset using &stuctval.field
mut_pair_ptr.second = b"value" // dereferencing dot operator works for assignments as well
def print_pair_second[T](pair: Pair[T, *Byte]): Void {
// extension methods can be defined for any type including types from
// different libraries
// some/nested_module.hds
extension PairExtensions[T] for Pair[T, *Byte] {
// `*this` means this extension takes its receiver by pointer
// Use `*mut this` to treat receiver pointer as mutable
// and `this` to take it as value
def print_second(*this): Void {
c.puts(this.second); // Unlike this.second on a pointer to a struct is equivalent to this->second in C
// in another file
// Importing a module brings extensions exported by that module
// into scope. This isn't transitive i.e. extensions imported by
// nested_module would not be available here. You have to separately
// import those.
import some.nested_module as nested_module;
def main(): Void {
val x = Pair(true, b"x");
// because extension method is declared as *this,
// we have to take pointer to x to pass it to the method.
Hades has a trait system similar to Rust (We don't have assosicated types yet but they'll come soon). traits allow us to define operations on generic type parameters. This has the advantage of better error messages than C++ while still being more powerful than simpler systems like Java interfaces.
trait Printable[Self] {
def print(self: Self): Void;
// Interfaces are implemented outside the type declaration
// this means you can make builtin types implement new interfaces
implementation Printable[Bool] {
def print(self: Bool): Void {
if *this {
} else {
// Unlike C++, the body of this function can be checked independently
// of call sites. No type errors on expanded templates :)
// The where clause is a requirement on type T and a caller can only pass things that are Printable
def print[T](value: T): Void where Printable[T] {
def main(): Void {
print(10); // type error: Printable[Int] not found
Implementations can have type parameters and where clauses, making it possible to implement traits for generic types based on other traits.
struct Box[T] {
val value: T;
// this declaration says that for all type Ts, Box[T] is printable if T is printable.
// This makes it more powerful that Java/C# interfaces where it's not possible
// to have an interface for Equality/Hashing and have generic containers conform
// to them based on their type parameter.
// Equality and Hashing, Stringification is baked into all objects in Java to get around this problem
// but it doesn't solve it for custom interfaces.
implementation[T] Printable[Box[T]] where Printable[T] {
def print(self: Box[T]): Void {
print(b"Box("); // implementation Box[*Byte] is omitted for berevity
def f() {
print(Box(true)); // works
print(Box(b"hello")); // works
print(Box(10)); // Type error because we haven't provided a Printable[Int] implementation
Although traits directly can't define extension methods yet, (i.e. you have to call Trait[Type].method(value)
, instead of value.method()
extension definitions can have where clauses, allowing you to wrap trait functions as extension methods.
extension StringifiableExtensions[T] for T where Stringifiable[T] {
def to_string(this): *Byte { return Stringifiable[T].print(this); }
def f[T](value: T): Void where Stringifiable[T] {
// now you can call to_string as a method
Directly defining methods inside traits is being considered.
Enum types (also known as algebraic data types) allow you to represent types that can be one of a finite set of cases.
enum Optional[T] {
Some(value: T);
/// This compiles down to the equivalent of this (the names are mangled so
/// this isn't valid hades source code, but they are equivalent
/// struct Optional[T] {
/// val tag: u8
/// val payload: Union[Optional.Some[T], Optional.None]
/// }
/// struct Optional.Some[T] {
/// val 0: T
/// }
/// const Optional.Some.tag : u8 = 0
/// struct Optional.None[T] {}
/// const Optional.None.tag : u8 = 1
/// Optional.Some[u32](1) ~ Optional[u32](Optional.Some.tag, Optional.Some(1))
/// Optional.None[u32] ~ Optional[u32](Optional.None.tag)
def main(): Void {
// Enum types can be pattern matched on.
// The cases are checked at compile time. If you
// decide to add a new case, that will have to
// be handled in existing match statements.
val ten = match Optional.Some(10) {
// notice the use of `val` keyword to disambiguate enum case names
// from parameter binding patterns.
// this is different from rust, where patterns can be qualified,
// haskell, where data Cases have to start with uppercase (I think?)
// and swift where constructor cases are prefixed with a `.` to distinguish
// from bound patterns.
// An explicit `val` keyword has an added advantage of being easily searchable.
Some(val value) -> value,
None -> 0
val zero = match Optional.None[Int] {
Some(val value) -> value,
None -> 0
Enums don't have to carry extra data.
// The underlying representation of an enum tag is
// u8 (8 bit unsigned integer)
enum Token {
This will be similar to a C style enum (except more type safe because you can't assign itegers to them)
Hades supports a limited form of closures that are allocated on the stack. This means that they can't be returned from functions or stored in structs. Once proper destruction and move semantics are implemented, this restriction can be lifted by heap allocated closures.
def main(): Void {
puts(apply(true, |value| if (value) b"true" else b"false")); // prints "true"
// closures can have a block body
// prints "Done"
puts(apply(true, |value| {
if value {
return b"Done";
} else {
return b"Not done";
def apply[T, U](arg: T, fn: (T) -> U): U {
return fn(arg);
Check the suite directory for a few contrived examples used as an automated test suite. There's a gtk-hello-world which is a good representative program. Proper documentation coming in the future.