
React component wrapping Lab interactive

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


React component wrapping Lab interactive.


<Lab interactive={interactive} model={model} labDistPath="lab/"
     width='450px' playing={true} props={this.state.labProps} observedProps={['targetTemperature']}

See more at https://github.com/concord-consortium/react-lab-examples.


Lab component uses labDistPath path, which defaults to lab/. Trailing slash is necessary! Lab is included in the final package (/lab), so you can use it. Usually it's enough to copy it directly from the NPM package. Check CopyPlugin configuration here: https://github.com/concord-consortium/react-lab-examples/blob/master/webpack.config.js

If your project is using version 0.x, it might also use embeddableSrc property. It's no longer supported. Usually, it's enough to remove embeddable.html from the path and pass it as labDistPath. For example:

embeddableSrc="../abc/xyz/lab/embeddable.html" -> labDistPath="../abc/xyz/lab/" (remember about trailing slash!)


This project is using webpack to build the final JS file in /dist folder.

First, you need to make sure that webpack is installed and all the NPM packages required by this project are available:

npm install -g webpack
npm install

Then you can build JavaScript files using:



webpack --watch

Bundled Lab distribution

This package includes pre-built Lab framework. Users of this library should also use bundled Lab distribution, as it's guaranteed to work with the current react-lab version. You can update it using:

./update.sh <version-number>
./update.sh 1.14.0

It will download Lab 1.14.0 and replace library in lab/lab directory. You should always check if it still works, as in some cases the embeddable page might need to be updated too (however it's not very likely).
