
Easy way install Arch Arm Linux for Raspberry Pi (1 or 2) onto SD Card

Primary LanguageShell

Installer Arch Linux for Raspberry Pi

What you will need:

  • A linux machine with a SD card slot.
  • Installed tar and fdisk.

Quick install Arch Linux on Raspberry Pi

1. Download this repository

git clone https://github.com/art1415926535/Raspberry-Pi-scripts.git && cd Raspberry-Pi-scripts

**2. Set the permissions** ``` chmod +x setup_sdcard.sh && chmod +x write_image.sh ```
**3. Run scripts** ``` ./setup_sdcard.sh && ./write_image.sh ``` * `` - path to SD Card * `` - number of version Raspberry Pi or path to image Arch Linux

example: ./setup_sdcard.sh /dev/mmcblk0 && ./write_image.sh 2

Detailed manual

First step

Download this repository

git clone https://github.com/art1415926535/Raspberry-Pi-scripts.git
cd Raspberry-Pi-scripts

Setup Arch Linux on the SD card

1. Set the permissions

Make setup_sdcard.sh and write_image.sh executable:
chmod +x setup_sdcard.sh && chmod +x write_image.sh

  • setup_sdcard.sh - formate the SD card with fdisk and create filesystems.
  • write_image.sh - download the image from the website (if you want) and write the files onto the SD Card.

2. Run setup the SD card

./setup_sdcard.sh /dev/mmcblk0

Wait message:
Done! To continue run write_image.sh

3 Run download and write image onto the SD Card

If you already downloaded image go to step 3.1.

  • ./write_image.sh 1 - for Raspberry Pi 1
  • ./write_image.sh 2 - for Raspberry Pi 2

If directory already contain image you you will get a question:
Re-download the image from the website [yes/no]?

After write image onto the SD Card go to step 4.

3.1 For already downloaded image

./write_image.sh <path_to_image>

4. Profit!!!

Use the serial console or SSH to the IP address given to the board by your router.

Login as the default user alarm with the password alarm. The default root password is root.
