
Simple way to defer unmount your route component


npm install react-router-deferred-route --save

Usage example

add a nice animation of the disappearance

import DeferredRoute from 'react-router-deferred-route';


    return (
        innerProps={{ style: { transform: 'scale(1)', transition: 'transform .3s linear' }}}
        onUnmounting={{ style: { transform: 'scale(0)', transition: 'transform .3s linear' }}}


DeferredRoute always returns Route component (from react-router), so you can use it with Switch. But when path in DeferredRoute becomes not equal with router.route.location.pathname (current url), Route returned without any path property, so that stay will exist for delay time. After delay path will be returned to Route and that will disappear probably. As a bonus you can set onUnmounting property, to be added in props to the component only when target path and the current path is not equal.

component get Route properties

works with react-router v4


DeferredRoute.propTypes = {
  component: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
  path: PropTypes.string,
  delay: PropTypes.number,
  innerProps: PropTypes.object,
  onUnmounting: PropTypes.object,

DeferredRoute.defaultProps = {
  path: '/',
  delay: 1000,
  innerProps: null,
  onUnmounting: null,

Please, let me know if you need options like exact, render (from original Route) or availeblePaths (for trigger delay only for a limited set of paths, not for all). I can add that.