
redux-act-dispatch-free extend redux-act for async actions call without dispatch.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Free your component from connect, free yourself from extra code

redux-act-dispatch-free extends redux-act so that you can call async actions without dispatch.

Of course this works only with assigned or bound actions

So it allows you to access a bound store from an asyncAction

1k size minified, 0.1kB minified + gzipped


npm install redux-act-dispatch-free --save


createAsyncCycle new at 17 nov 2017

// userActions.js
import { createAsyncCycle } from 'redux-act-dispatch-free';

// You can return any async (or not) function
// and thay will automaticaly dispatch all async lifecicle functions
export const [fetchGetUserData, successGetUserData, errorGetUserData] = createAsyncCycle(
  'get user data',
  store => () => api.getUserData(store.getState().app.user.uid)

Call fetchGetUserData will generate^

"[fetch] get user data"

...after some time...

"[success] get user data" or "[error] get user data"

You can customize output payload

export const [fetchGetUserData, successGetUserData, errorGetUserData] = createAsyncCycle(
  'get user data',
  store => () => api.getUserData(store.getState().app.user.uid),
  // success
  payload => payload.data,
  // error
  error => error.response.status

More custom way

// userActions.js
import { createAction } from 'redux-act';
import { createAsyncAction } from 'redux-act-dispatch-free';

export const responseUserInfo = createAction('response user Info');
export const errorResponceUserInfo = createAction('error response user Info');

export const fetchUserInfo = createAsyncAction(
  'request user data',
  store => async userId => {
    try {
      const response = await api.getUser(userId);
    } catch (e) {
      errorResponceUserInfo(e.message ? e.message : e);
// initStore.js
import { asyncActionsCallerMiddleware } from 'redux-act-dispatch-free';
import { assignAll } from 'redux-act';
import actions from 'actions';
  const store = createStore(
  assignAll(actions, store);
// Component.jsx
import { fetchUserInfo } from 'actions/userActions';
  componentDidMount = () => {

Likewise you can import only needed methods

// userActions.js
import createAsyncCycle from 'redux-act-dispatch-free/createAsyncCycle';

Attention: bindAll and assignAll do not work with SSR