
Project on the hack-cyprus-2019 hackathon

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


Crypto payment button

Project on the hack-cyprus-2019 hackathon

Idea for to be implemented:

Crypto paying widget for the merchants. Webhook based notification of mechant on incoming payment.

Prerequisites & assumption

  • Merchant has bitcoin address or seed pharase. For the demo purposes we seed and address will be created using https://iancoleman.io/bip39/ website.
  • Merchant want have simple way to receive payments and been notified when incoming transaction is in:
    • Transaction pool
    • In the block with one or more confirmations

Setup flow

  • Merchant comes / registers on the project website and comes goes to his personal dashboard
  • Merchant specifies bitcoin address or xpub address that he wants to receive money to
  • Merchant specify webhook that he wants to be called
  • Merchant copies to clipboard webcomponent snippet
  • Merchant paste webcomponent to his website (as a sample website we will use wix or tilda based template)

Purchase flow

  • Customer opens merchant website
  • Customer chooses item and clicks pay with bitcoin button
  • Modal dialog with QR code should be shown. Modal dialog should be created via WebComopnent. QR code should contain payment details.
  • User uses his mobile wallet to scan QR and send transaction
  • Blockbook based backend detects new transaction in pool or withint the block and calls webhook specified by merchant

Task to be done, critical path:

  • Very simple mechant dashboard
  • Button WebComponent
  • Modal dialog WebComponent
  • Develop block monitoring backend
  • Record 1 minute video

Optional task:

  • Setup TS + Rollup build system for web component
  • Guide on webcomopnet customization
  • Docker compose setup for monitoring backend, and mock of merchant backend
  • API for merchant to automatically add address for monitoring