
skale-dev-env is a collection of tools for setting up local development environment for SKALE chain development.

Package contents

  1. single-node containerized version of skaled deamon;
  2. skaled-blockchain-explorer (HTML UI for viewing blockchain);
  3. skaled-stats-viewer (HTML UI for monitoring/troubleshooting running skaled).


On Ubuntu 19.10

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install

Optionally (in case of troubles):

sudo service docker start
docker logout

How to run

  1. Run daemon: ./
  2. Use either of the folloging as endpoint:
    • ws://
  3. Set chainID=54173
  4. Use your wallet with the following credentials:
  Seed phrase: kidney describe moon museum join brave birth detect harsh little hockey turn
  Address: 0x6d80aAC61F6d92c7F4A3c412850474ba963B698E
  Private key: 0x16db936de7342b075849d74a66460007772fab88cf4ab509a3487f23398823d6

Additional features

Usage: OPTIONS -? | --help


  --host -h  Local address to bind to (default:
  --http-port  HTTP port to listen at (default: 1234 or use -1 to disable)
  --ws-port  WebSocket port to listen at (default: 1233 or use -1 to disable)
  --port -p  Same as --http-port
  -e --defaultBalanceEther  Amount of Ether to generate on schain owner's address (default: 100)
  -b --blockTime Interval of empty blocks generation (default: 3 sec or use -1 to disable)
  -? --help  Display this help information.

HTML Tools

  • skaled-blockchain-explorer/ethereum-explorer.html
  • skaled-stats-viewer/stats.html