
A command based pingdom with readonly frontend

Primary LanguagePHP

Pingdom - Artandor

Description of the project

A pingdom retrieving infos on requested websites and displaying it on a front. I use it to monitor websites i manage as a freelance.

How to install

composer install php bin/console d:m:m

How to run

Use any webserver with php. For the database, i am using sqlite in developpement, just change the conf in order to use mysql.

symfony server:start

How to use

Add websites with this command (minimal args)

php bin/console app:website:add --name "Once Upon A Day" --domain "https://once-upon-a-day.com/"

Other args exists

php bin/console app:website:add --name "Once Upon A Day" --domain "https://once-upon-a-day.com" --redirectTo "https://fluffyunicorn.fr" --mail myfirstmail@artandor.fr --mail mysecondmail@work.fr

Remove a website with this command

php bin/console app:website:remove --name "Once Upon A Day"

Ping all websites manually

php bin/console app:website:ping --all

Or copy the line in crontab.txt to the crontab of your choice. You can open crontab with

crontab -e