
The port of SynthWave '84 - VS Code theme to Vim

Primary LanguageVim Script

Synthwave 84 Vim theme

The port of SynthWave '84 - VS Code theme to Vim






Vim script



Option 1: Manual

  1. Download and move synthwave84.vim to the ~/.vim/colors directory:

    cd vim-synthwave84/colors
    mkdir ~/.vim
    mv synthwave84.vim ~/.vim/colors/

Option 2: vim-plug

  1. Install the vim-plug plugin manager.

  2. Install vim-synthwave84 using vim-plug:

    a. Put the following line in the ~/.vimrc file:

    Plug 'artanikin/vim-synthwave84'

    b. Reload ~/.vimrc and run :PlugInstall to install the plugin.

    c. Put the following line in the ~/.vimrc file and reload vim:

    colorscheme synthwave84


Colors are Wrong

incorrect color

This theme requires vim to support the +termguicolors option.

To check for this option run:

vim --version | grep -o '+termguicolors'

NOTE: If the option is not available no output will show.

If the option is available, add the following to the ~/.vimrc file:

set termguicolors

The colors should then appear correctly after reloading vim:

correct color

Here is a text copy of the ~/.vimrc file shown in the screenshot above:

set term=xterm-256color
"set term=screen-256color
if has('termguicolors')
    set termguicolors

set background=dark

call plug#begin("~/.vim/plugged")
    Plug 'artanikin/vim-synthwave84'
call plug#end()

colorscheme synthwave84