
Source Files for the Challenge. Later we'll clone the winner into this repo!

Ansible DC Skill Challenge:

Title: Auto Dock IT

Prize: A 25 dollar gift card to Amazon.com

Challenge: Using Ansible, Docker and any host you like (vagrant, Digital Ocean, AWS, etc) create a website using nginx or apache with the contents of the zip file. The website should be accessible worldwide on port 80. Please do take care to lock down your host.

Zipfile: website.zip (see github.com/ansibledc)

RULES: You must be a current member of an Ansible MeetUp, preferable Ansible DC, to participate. Ansible employees are excluded from prizing winning, but are encourage to compete. In the event there are more then one successful entries a random drawing will decide the winner. Submissions must be posted to GitHub no later then March 24rd 2015 12:01AM ET. You’re encourage to connect with people you’ve meet at Ansible MeetUps prior for help, or to team up to win the challenge. The whole process needs to be automated, using docker run -t -i except for debugging is prohibited. Reply back to @AnsibleDC when you’ve posted your answer to GitHub. Olease provide instructions for executing your submission. Good Luck!