
raru: run as random user

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

raru: run as random user

Simple and portable cli tool and golang package for run program as random user. Source code ported from C implementation raru.


To install raru, please use go get.

Command line tool


$ go get github.com/ArtemKulyabin/raru/cmd/raru

Spawn - fork and exec

$ go get github.com/ArtemKulyabin/raru/cmd/raru-spawn

Jail - run program as random user and changes the apparent root directory for the running process using a chroot(2) system call. If the program linked with dynamic libraries, they are copied into the root directory of the process.

$ go get github.com/ArtemKulyabin/raru/cmd/raru-jail


$ go get github.com/ArtemKulyabin/raru


Command line tool

$ raru ./fishy-app-youve-never-ran-before
$ raru bash # Whole shell as a random user.
$ raru curl https://fishysite
$ raru-jail run --chroot /dir /bin/ls


package main

import (

func main() {
  log.Println(raru.Exec(os.Args[1], os.Args[2:]...))

Cross compilation

For cross compilation you may use the Gox. Example:

$ gox github.com/ArtemKulyabin/raru/cmd/raru

Operating system support

  • Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Darwin(OS X)

Tested on

  • Ubuntu 14.04, FreeBSD 10.1, OpenBSD 5.6, NetBSD 6.1.5, OS X Yosemite 10.10.3