
Remote encrypted logs using Java and Loggly

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Remote encrypted logs using Java and Loggly.


Java 1.8

Native tail command (due to a bug in Commons IO https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IO-279)


Build with Maven.

Copy target/jremotelog-[version]-jar-with-dependencies.jar to jremotelog.jar.

Register with loggly.com and make a note of the access token.

Generate an AES key in hex format e.g.

head -c 1024 /dev/urandom | sha256sum | cut -c 1-32

Back up this key somewhere safe.

Place a copy of src/main/resources/example.jremotelog.properties in /etc/jremotelog.properties.

Modify jremotelog.properties with the loggly access token, AES key, and name of the file you want to tail.

Create an empty file /var/lib/misc/jremotelog.iv and make it append only (and writable)

Run java -jar jremotelog.jar

The log file will be tailed, encrypted, and periodically uploaded to loggly.

Check you can retrieve the logs in the next section. Don't wait till you need to look at the logs to do this.

Retrieving logs

Do this on a different computer, because that's what you'll be doing when you really need the logs.

Edit a copy of src/main/resources/example.retrieve.properties and add the AES key and your credentials.

Run java -cp jremotelog.jar eu.ocathain.jremotelog.viewer.ExistingLogViewer [location of jremotelog.retrieve.properties] [number of hours]

Recent log entries will be echoed to stdout.