- 0
Official fork of Xuggler ?
#26 opened by olivierayache - 0
CPU usage is high when recording
#25 opened by unnivm - 3
OutOfMemory error
#24 opened by unnivm - 0
- 11
xuggle dead?
#22 opened by eix128 - 0
#21 opened by eix128 - 0
adding webm support xuggle
#20 opened by eix128 - 0
Getting snapshots from RTMP stream
#19 opened by yev - 13
- 8
Update ffmpeg to the latest version
#16 opened by jkolobok - 1
Filtering support (e.g. such as Yadif)
#8 opened by Lisyara - 1
Issue with Ivy resolve.
#10 opened by drob - 5
Add a build target for generating a 'sources' and 'javadoc' JAR for the repository
#3 opened by naftulikay - 0
xuggler-users Google Group
#18 opened by drippel - 1
- 0
Issue building libvpx on OS X 10.8
#6 opened by bradfordcp - 1
3-5 seconds delay when i encode the bufferdImage to h264 codec and then transport to an remote peer
#13 opened by He-Pin - 1
is xuggle alive
#12 opened by He-Pin - 2
decode crash h264
#14 opened by He-Pin - 1
Catch exceptions in main()?
#15 opened by elfring - 0
- 1
Incorrect build instructions url
#1 opened by jagill