
PageNav - extension for pagination of pages in MODX Revolution with support for User Friendly URL and without

Primary LanguagePHP


As your database grows, showing all the results of a query on a single page is no longer practical. This is where pagination comes in handy. You can display your results over a number of pages, each linked to the next, to allow your users to browse your content in bite sized pieces.

PageNav snippet to paginate results from your database in a clean and user friendly way. With support for User Friendly URL and without. Do not create duplicates url



  • pageNavTpl - Name of a chunk serving as the key element of the template, default pageNavTpl
  • pageNavOutTpl - Name of a chunk serving as a general template, default pageNavOutTpl
  • tplActive - Name of a chunk serving as active item of the template, default tplActive

###Chunk pageNavTpl Parameters

  • classes - class for the item
  • href - link for the item
  • pageNo - text for the item

###Chunk pageNavOutTpl Parameters

  • navPg - the main block paging
  • outUlstart - button on the top of the page
  • outUlend - button at the bottom of the page
  • outUlprevios - button on the previous page
  • outUlnext - button on the next page

###CSS Class Name Parameters

  • classpn - Class for the elements of the navigation buttons, default empty
  • classprev - Ñlass for elements prev buttons, default prev
  • classnext - Ñlass for elements next buttons, default next
  • classactive - Ñlass for elements active buttons, default active
  • textprev - The caption for the button prev, default < (<)
  • textnext - The caption for the button next, default > (>)
  • textstart - The caption for the button start, default 1
  • textend - The caption for the button end, default total page

###General Parameters

  • pageLimit - Maximum number of buttons for navigation, default 9
  • prefPles - prefix for the output placeholder navigation, default 'pn'
  • direction - Left To Right (ltr) - default is 0 (zero) or Right To Left (rtl) for Arabic language

###Caching Properties

  • cache - Indicates if the content of each page request should be cached, by a unique request URI (not just the pageVarKey)
  • cache_key_pn - A key identifying a named xPDOCache instance to use for caching the page content, default 'pagenav'.
  • cache_expires_pn - Indicates the number of seconds for each item to live in the cache. Note that 0 indicates it will live in the cache until the cache is manually cleared, unless you have a custom handler caching data outside of the handler identified by the default cache_key, default 0


** Example simple call **

[[!PageNav? &language=`en`

** Example nclude cache on half an hour **

[[!PageNav? &language=`en`
	  &tplActive = `tplActiveMy`
	  &classactive =`current`
	  &separator=`<span class="more">...</span>`
	  &cache_expires = `1800`